Chapter 1

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Suppose i better introduce myself, it’s only polite i guess, so i’m Charlotte Rosie but call me that and it’ll probably earn you a slap so call me Charlie. I’m a 19 year old lesbian from Scotland.

I am meant to live with my bitch of a mother but she is currently in prison yeah i know great first impression but whatever at least I get a break from her at the moment.

Anything else you need to know me you will find out in time i guess.

It’s a Monday morning and i get woken up to my fucking alarm blaring in my ears like come on i mean it’s 5.30 in the morning this seriously shouldn’t be allowed.

I drag myself and i literally mean drag myself to the shower, afterward showering which isn’t exactly safe when you’re still half asleep i throw on a pair of leggings and a oversized jumper because come on it’s only work and who am i trying to impress anyway?

I apply makeup and straighten my hair before putting on burgundy vans and getting into the car, i drove the 10 minutes to the apartment building or whatever it gets called in America; i quickly made it here in one piece and that was with nearly falling asleep at the traffic lights or stop lights i don’t know what they get called to be honest, American words confuse that’s a main reason why i really miss Scotland.

I sign in and dump my stuff in the staff room before making my way to the gym, my job is complete and utter shit but either way it’s a job.

I’m so lucky and get to spend the say teaching old folk i mean people how to work “complex” gym equipment...

That doesn’t sound that bad you think? Have you ever tried to teach your grandparents how to work the internet? Or a computer? Or a phone?  Yeah take that and times it by 10 and you have my job

I make my way over to the treadmills and take my seat as normal

Today there’s a new person, normally this place is filled with old people because that’s literally all that lived here but this new woman was young, pretty and oddly familiar

She has on grey sweats and a black tanktop, she had some kind of rap music playing as she ran; i couldn’t tell you who because that aint my kind of music

I then realised she had stopped running and was staring at me with a twinkle in her eye and a smirk on her face

Oh god i must of been staring at her for a while oops because that isn’t embarrassing at all...

She laughed as my face turned red and she winked at me before she turned round to get a drink of her water

Then it clicked who she was...

A/N   yeah yeah i know another fanfic when i’m shit at updating as it is, but i wrote this AGES ago like before i even wrote Broken Warrior (only this chapter though) but i thought i’d share it and if y’all like it then i can always keep writing it 

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