Ch.1: Betrayal

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Percy POV
I heard a scream at Half-Blood hill. I saw a boy with Raven black hair and and blood red eyes chased by hellhounds. I killed the hellhounds. Then Hephaestus and Hestia blessed me. Percy, what happened Chiron asked. I killed the hellhounds while he watched and laughed said the kid. He's lying I said. Yeah right they said. What's your name said Chiron. James Bryson he said. Then he was claimed by Ares.
Percy POV(the next day)
I was looking for Annabeth. I went to see if she was at the beach. She was there kissing James. HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME I boomed. Percy, it's not what it looks like Annabeth said. I was so angry fire and a storm was gathering around me. I beat the crap out of James. Then I ran to my cabin to pack my stuff. Nyx, Tartarus, Erebus, Pontus, Thalassa, Hydros, Hydro, Pyro, Gaea, Uranus, Ourea, Chaos, Order, and Chronos were waiting for me. They all gave me their blessings. Then Chaos made me a Primordial. Multicolored wings with a 40 foot wingspan sprang from my back. I flashed to Olympus to tell them what happened. I received the blessing of Olympus. Then the Olympians blessed me individually. Do you accept a seat on the Olympian Council Perseus, Hades, Hecate, and Hestia asked Zeus. We accepted. My throne was made of Imperial Gold, Stygian Iron, and Mortal Steel as are my swords, armor, shield,crown(from Chaos making me King of the Universe), and helmet. I challenge you to a friendly duel said Ares. Challenge accepted I said. Ares got out twin katana. I did the same. Ares slashed at me. I blocked with my sword and hit Ares on his head with my other sword knocking him out. I win I said as soon as he woke up. Your Greek form is Omicron and your Roman form is Onyx said the fates before they blessed me. Anake gave me her blessing and made me her Champion and adopted son as did Hemera and Aether. My eyes are sea blue now. I created a new island. It is called Iberia.

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