Chapter 1: A Hit On The Head..

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I woke up to hearing my alarm going off. I turned it off and looked at today's date . It was the last day of school. I went to the bathroom to take a shower. When i was done, I went to my closet and put on my outfit and did my hair.

When I got done, I went downstairs and sat in the dining room. "Want breakfast?" Mom asked "Sure" I said as mom put the food on the table.

I finished eating some chocolate pancakes, my favorite. And i went back upstairs to get my book bag and phone. I came back downstairs and sat on the couch scrolling through my twitter feed. Just the same old stuff everyday.

*A few minutes later*

My phone started to ring, it was my friend Mariah. I answered it.

"Hey" I said "Come on, I'm outside!" Mariah said "Okay" I said as I hung up my phone and started walking towards the door. "Bye mom" I said as i left the house.

As I was getting into Mariah's car I saw a moving truck next door. I wonder who was moving next door. Me and Mariah were in the front, while Destiny and Maya were in the back. They were my best friends. I've knew them since Elementary School. We all are 17 at the time. We live in Miami,Florida right now.

"Leslie What are you doing this Summer?" Destiny asked. "I'm not sure. What about you three?" I said pointing to them. "Nothing" they all said at the same time and smiled "So who's moving in next door?" Mariah asked "I'm not sure" I said.

We all just sat in the car and just talked about memories and what we were planning on doing this summer. We got to our school and  went to my locker.

"I'm so happy its the last day of school till summer break." said Maya "Omg Yes. No getting up in the morning." said Destiny "Haha Yeah" i said laughing "See ya' later" said Destiny

We all went to our classes and was still at my locker getting my things. So i just went to my next class.

*After School*

We were in the car. I was thinking about who was moving in next door, until Mariah interrupted my thoughts.

"So what are we doing today?" Mariah said "I don't know, let's just hang out tonight and you all can stay over." I said "Sure. Sounds fun." they said 

Mariah dropped us all of at our houses. We all live on the same street as each other but a couple houses down. I was walking up to my door step when something hit me in the head and everything went black..


Unknown P.O.V

I just moved into this neighborhood. I'm from Canada, but my mom moved us here because she said we needed somewhere to start new. My name is Justin. I'm 17. Me and my friends Ryan and Chaz were playing football. They've been my friends for a long time now and we are very close. we were playing footballs when Ryan threw the ball and it went and hit this girl in the head. Me, Ryan, and Chaz ran over next to her. She was laying on the ground unconscious. 

"Is she okay?" said Chaz "Does it looks like she's okay, Chaz?" I said sarcastically "Well pick her up and take her in the house and tell your mom."

I picked her up and carried her to my house and sat her on the couch. "Mom!" I yelled "What?" my mom said "Can you come here, it's an emergency" I said "Okay" she said 

She walked in the room and looked at the girl on the couch confused.

"What's going on?" my mom Pattie said confused " We were playing football and the ball accidentally hit her on the head." I said "Well get an ice pack and put it on her head." my mom said

I went to get her an ice pack and came back and put it on her head. I moved the hair out of her face and she looked so beautiful. I can't believe that she was my neighbor.. Then Me, Ryan, and Chaz went into my room to play on the Xbox.

"She's hot" said Chaz "How could you think about that right now when i just hit a girl in the head with a footbal, but she is cute." said Ryan "You guys are crazy, you barely know her" said Justin

She was beautiful. (I'm gonna to show you what Leslie and her friends look like and different things like that)

Leslie's P.O.V

I woke up with a big headache. And I noticed that i was on a couch. How did i get here? Did I get kidnapped? Omg what do i do? I looked for my phone everywhere but couldn't find it. I was about to get up when i heard people coming. It sounded like some boys. I layed back on the couch and acted like i was asleep. 

"So how long has she been knocked out?" one boy said "For about 10 minutes or so" said another boy "Okay we should try to wake her up" said the same boy

I got so nervous when he had said that. I felt someone get in front of me. I didn't know where I was so  I was set to punch whoever it was in the face. He started to shake me and i automatically punched him in the face. I got up really quick and looked up and saw 2 boys standing their shocked and one boy on the ground in pain.

"Ouch!" the boy on the ground yelled

I was ready to punch the other 2 boys when a lady came in.

"What is going on in here?!?!" she said "Well she punched me in the face when i tried to wake her up!" said they boy that i obviously punched in the face "How did i get here?" i asked nervously "You got hit in the head with a football and we brought you to my house. I live next door to you." he said "Oh sorry  " i said "It's okay i understand, you woke up and didn't know where you where, i would have freaked out too." he said "Yeah" i said chuckling a little "Justin take her home" said what i seemed to be his mother. "Okay" he said

We walked out the door and he walked me next door. It was awkward.

"Thanks for helping me" I said shyly "Your welcome, by the way my names Justin" Justin said "Leslie" i said shaking his hand "Bye" he said and started walking back to his house next door "Bye"

*A couple hours later*

I just took a shower and Mariah, Maya, and Destiny were on there way. It was around 6pm. I had on my comfy clothes.

I heard my friends knocking at the door so i ran downstairs and opened it.

"Hey" they all said at the same time which kind of sounded weird. "Hi.." I said "Let's get this party started" said Maya.

We all laughed and went up to my room. It was big to my friends, but medium-ish to me. I had already told them about what had happened earlier and they were asking me if i was okay and other things like that. But my mom and dad weren't home.

My mom and dad are really never home in the summer. When the are home i only see them in the mornings. They travel the world and go around selling houses in different places.

Me, Mariah, Destiny, and Maya were just hanging out in my room bored and listening to music when our song came on. "Happy" by Pharrell Williams. We just love this song so much. We were all dancing and singing until it went off. Haha. Then we got bored again.

"Let's play truth or dare" said Destiny We agreed and started playing. "Leslie, Truth or Dare?" Maya said "Dare" i said "I dare you to go next door and ask for that boy Justin's number" Maya said I glared at her. I probably shouldn't have said dare. And everybody just looked at me for a answer.

"Fine. I'll do it" I said confident. (Justin's song popped in my head, lol) But i'm really nervous.

I went down stairs and they followed me. I went out the door and walked to his door. I knocked on the door not knowing what i had gotten myself into. Then next thing you know Justin answered....

Authors Note:

So this is my first time writing a story. I'm gonna see if people wanna read my story. If you wanna help me write the story just message me. Please leave comments and vote and stuff. I really wanna keep this story going. I'm gonna make a Instagram so you can see how the characters look and other stuff like that. My twitter username is @LeslieBelieber7 if you wanna dm me or follow me. So i look forward to writing more! Thanks! Once A Belieber Always A Belieber

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