New assisstant

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Pic above is Kirita
BTW in this story, she's 15 years old
3rd pov
In the agency, everyone's just doing their normal thing. Hiroshi grooming Kei's hair, and Yuta watching. Everything was peaceful until a knock occurred at the door. Kei went to answer it to find Inspector Ogino standing outside. "Ogi-san, what are you doing here?", Kei asked. "I have someone I would like you to meet", Ogi said. "Who may that person be?", Hiroshi asked. Ogi stepped to the right "You may come in now", he said as a young girl with black hair and matching black eyes came to the doorway.
"Um, my name is Kirigaya Kizuta, but you may call me Kirita, nice to meet you", she said. "Why was she brought here?", Hiroshi asked.

"She's looking for a job so I brought her here so maybe she could be your assistant or something", Ogi replied.

"Aaah, why don't you take her as your assisstant, besides, I already have two", Hiroshi complained. "Inaba-san, I don't think you should be saying this right now", Kei said, concerned for the girl listening to their conversation.

Everyone stared at the girl while she still has her innocent expression on her face. She tilted her head to the side cutely and sent them a charming smile as moe aura emitted from her and sparkles surrounding her. Everyone blushed a little at the sight. "It's okay, I don't mind", she said in a voice that will make anyone faint from the cuteness.

"Oh, come to think of it, I think another assistant might be useful", Hiroshi suddenly exclaimed. "Yea, we can be best friends, Kirita", Yuta said, clinging onto the black haired girl's arm. "Really, that's great!", Kirita said with her angelic voice. "I'm Inaba Hiroshi", Hiroshi introduced. "I'm Sasaki Yuta, but you can just call me Yuta", Yuta said. "I-I'm Nozaki Kei, n-nice to m-meet y-you", Kei stuttered while blushing. "Nice to met you then, Inaba-san, Yuta-chan, Nozaki-san", Kirita said.

Time skip

It's been 4 days since Kirita joined the agency and she got along fairly well with the gang. Hiroshi, to her was like an older brother, Yuta and her were like best girlfriends, and Kei was always blushing and stuttering here and there but not as bad as the first day when talking to her. Hiroshi and Yuta would always giggle in the background knowing Kei has a crush. But Kirita being very dense, just thought that he gets shy around new people and will warm up to her soon.

To my older brother:
Let's meet at the Yoidore Factory site at 15:00. This is not a trap so please come by yourself.

P.S. this is not a trap

From your younger brother

The letter Hiroshi is reading stated. 'Super shady' Kei thought. "On man! What should I wear?!", Hiroshi exclaimed as he scrambled back and forth. "Shall I let you borrow my dress?", Yuta asked, holding out a green dress with yellow frills. He suddenly stopped and examined the dress carefully. "Your trusting heart is wonderful but-", Kei yelled but got interrupted by Yuta going to her rack of dresses. "Ah, Yuta-chan, I didn't know you can bring her your dresses to work", Kirita said as she stared and the crossdresser's collection. "You wanna borrow one too?", Yuta asked her. "No thank you", she denied. "Your ring is pretty. It also seems like you wore a necklace too", he exclaimed, pointing out to her white and black ring and the chain on her neck, but the charm hidden within her blouse. "Thanks". Kei's voice questioning Hiroshi about him having a brother faded in the background as she looked at her ring. "He has beautiful white hair like a Persian cat, see", Hiroshi said, holding out a photo as Kirita snapped out of her trance. His hair is so soft, like Kirita's for example", he said, comparing his brother's hair to the ravenette's. "His name is Haruka, and he's seventeen. So he's a year older than you Kei, and 2 years older than Kirita. He's been missing for about two years. I don't have any other family, so I don't really have a choice, I have to go", Hiroshi explained and Kirita and Kei looked at him sadly. "But I should probably show off how mature I've become", Hiroshi said while Yuta dresses him in a kimono.
"Make me look mature, alright Yuta". "Okay, leave the outfit choices to me, I'll make sure you look very mature", Yuta said. "Yuta, if he wears that at his age, he'll look younger", Kei advised. "I think Inaba-san look kinda more mature", Kirita commented. "I wanna come!", Kirita exclaimed as Hiroshi started toward the door. "Me too", Kei exclaimed. "Me three", Yuma joined. "No", Hiroshi said. Kirita's lips formed into a pout. "Why?", she whined. "The letter said to go alone, so you three stay here", he explained while Yuta and Kei pouted along with Kirita. "But this letter, no matter how many times you look at it, it looks suspicious", Kei reasoned. "But I don't know who would want to trap me, though. Because everyone love me right?", Hiroshi said. Yuta nodded in agreement. "Where does the confidence come from?", Kei muttered under his breath. Due to Kirita being a neko, she has sensitive hearing even without her neko ears out, said, "I agree with you, Nozaki-san", Kirita said, standing by his side. She stared foreword at her boss talking with his blond assistant, not noticing the tint of blush on Kei's cheek. He suddenly snapped back to reality and said to Hiroshi "What if someone you arrested is trying to get revenge on you?", he asked.
"No they won't!"
"Nope! Not a chance"
"I'm trying to save you from disappointment. You brother won't come!"
"And what if it actually is my brother. Are you going to take responsibility and be my younger brother?!"
"I don't want a weirdo older brother!"
This word struck Hiroshi hard as he ran out of the door crying. "Wait, Inaba-san, I didn't mean it, I was just on a roll", Kei exclaimed. "Go drink conditioner and die!", Hiroshi yelled as he went off. "And there he goes", Kirita said. "Inaba-san's crisis is a crisis to my live hood, I think I'm going as well, what about you two, Kirita-chan,
Yuta-kun?", Kei asked. "Yea, I'm coming", Kirita exclaimed. "Of course", Yuta said as she was dressed in a camouflage outfit. "You won't blend into concrete like that, go change", Kei said sweatdropping. While Yuta went to change, Kirita went to stand by the boy's side. "Um, Nozaki-san-", Kirita started but then Kei cut her off. "Call me by my first name instead, it's weird for people to call me by my surname", Kei said. "Okay then, Kei-kun", she said with a smile. "Kun?!"  Kei exclaimed, flustered. "Hmm, you don't like it?", Kirita said worriedly that she offended him. "N-no, not at all", Kei stuttered waving his arms around frantically. After Yuta finished changing, they headed towards the factory. On the way, all Kei could think about is how Kirita said his name. He loved the way it rolled off her tongue.

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