I. Cliché Musical

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I. Cliché Musical

Most could say they didn't know who she was. Some knew her from the one period they had with her. Or they were in all her classes. But for the most part, she was a very secluded person. Some might describe her in simple words. Smarty pants. Nerd. Shy. Intimidating. Gossip girl. Wait what? Caroline Fix was anything but a gossip girl!

Her life was supposed to be without any drama. It was just another thing that made popular girls, well, popular! It's not like Caroline despised the popular girls, it's just that she found them stuck-up and selfish. The only other reason they were popular was because they could make others impressed in some way. Now it's kind of obvious why Caroline is such a quiet girl.

Still, her friends drag her into some of the drama. There was the matchmaking conversation in her classes. Also overreacting to the news in the morning. And sometimes teasing her about her crush.

Despite the lack of drama, Caroline did have a crush. It wasn't her fault. She just... liked him. No other way to explain it. It was even worse when he was in her classes. Caroline didn't tell anyone about him except her two best friends in class: Shelby and Bella.

So why didn't Caroline tell Jessica or Nicole, her other best friends? Well, she told Carson, the ladies man. But the girls didn't have much--sorry, any--experience with guys. They were complete tomboys at heart. These were the girls Caroline would hang around, and she became one of them. But middle school changed that. Her new friends were more like her. They were people she could relate to, and honestly, she felt more comfortable with them.

Being pulled away from her tomboyish friends made Caroline a bit more girly. She would start to wear make-up to school. Her clothes showed choice in the morning, rather than throwing on anything that came into sight. And believe it or not, she actually cared what her hair was like.

Speaking of hair, today she wore a French braid that cascaded around her shoulders. Her dirty blonde hair made her tan skin glow in the early morning. Simple clothes with name brand. Especially her favorite light gray Hollister jacket.

Waiting for the bus could be about 4 minutes. Which is just enough time for a song! Caroline was a secretive singer. She was in choir, but that didn't mean she was loud in it either. To be honest, she had a really gorgeous voice. It was humble, but with the right alto parts, she could be very strong.

A Christmas favorite, even though it was still three months from Christmas. "Do You Hear What I Hear?"

Caroline loved to sing classics. They had more treble, rather than instrumental dubsteps.

She heard the brakes atop the hill. She had to finish quickly!

"He will bring us goodness~! And Light~!" Caroline finished in a fortissimo crescendo. Her neighbors that would've been leaving for work turned to her and clapped. Caroline didn't notice the amount of people. Her blushing face met her bus driver's and she rushed to her seat.

There, she sat alone. Jessica with her golden Shirley Temple curls, sat with the long haired brunette, Nichole. Caroline shoved her blue ear buds into her ears. Set to shuffle, her iPhone began to play a heart aching song: "Somebody That I Used to Know" by Goyte. She couldn't help but let tears well into her eyes when the chorus was sung.

But you didnt have to cut me off

Make out like it never happened and that we were nothing

and I dont even need your love but you treat me like a stranger and that feels so rough

No you didnt have to stoop so low

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