The Rumor of a Devil

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Prince Endymion sat on a chair and looked out the open window. Next to the window was a photo of him, the King, and the Queen.

The King had black smooth hair with red eyes and his mother having green hair and blue eyes. Endymion appears to have gotten his navy blue eyes from his mother and hair from his father.

He had been thinking about the past month. For a few weeks, almost a few times during the night, he would see a pair of blue eyes turn purple that were staring at him from the forest. They would peek out, then disappear.

"My Prince!" Zoisite burst into the room.

"What is it Zoisite?" He asked as he stood up.

"A nearby village has just been attacked. They ask you get there quickly." He said. Quickly, Endymion grabbed his sword and sped out towards the village, the Shitennou behind him.

When he arrived, some buildings where destroyed and some on fire. In the air flying with demon wings was a female with purple eyes and long blond hair. She screeched then flew off.

He looked curiously, but she was quick and already gone. He then went to help the villagers. Luckily, non were killed, but a lot injured.

"She's gonna strike again! I know it! That damn devil!" He heard one say. He turned to look at them.

"That's who that woman was? A devil?" He asked. The man looks at him.

"Yes your highness. She has been the cause of most of our problems lately." The man bowed and spoke.

"Please elaborate on what she has done." He said. The man nodded.

"She has stolen food from the middle of the night, killed our cattle, as well as burned our homes and crops! She's mad I tell you!" He exclaimed. Endymion nodded.

"Has she killed any of you?" He asked.

"No. Actually, this is weird to mention, but after she would set a home on fire, I saw that she would fly up and look at it. Then I saw she covered her mouth as if out of disbelief and fly in through a window and pull out any civilians inside then place them on the floor away from the fire. Like she was good, or something." He said. The Prince didn't show a sign of shock, which confused the man.

"Hm... best not to judge a book by it's cover... I shall go find her and see what on Earth is up. Thank you for the information." Endymion said shaking the man's hand, then walking away.

Hiding behind a nearby tree, a woman with blue eyes and golden blonde hair and a beautiful white dress with golden colored beads and such on it with a cresent mark on her forehead watched him. "The Prince of Earth is so handsome... He's so calm and his eyes match the color of this beautiful planet. Too bad my other half will be the destruction of it..." She thought as one tear escaped her eye, and she covered herself with her cloak and walked out into the village, and through, towards the forest.

"My heart is beating so quickly... but it must be from the fact I'm risking myself being spotted. Yet, the Prince is still on my mind..." She could feel heat rise to her cheeks as she continued walking.

"Excuse me Miss!" She heard. She didn't turn but she stopped walking.

"Y-yes...?" Her soft voice spoke out.

"Are you just a passerby?" The male voice asked. She nodded.

"Yes... I am just passing through." She said.

"Did you happen to see where the Devil had flown off to?" At this, she froze. She turned to look at who was asking such a question. She saw Prince Endymion.

She fell flat onto her bottom. "P-Prince Endymion!" She was shock. He held a hand out to help her. She hesitantly took it and he pulled her back to her feet.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." He said. She caught herself staring at him.

"U-uh... it's okay. I'm f-fine.." She said looking down and she noticed he was still holding her hand with his own. "Um..." He looked and saw then released her hand gently.

"Sorry about that as well." He said chuckling. She giggled a bit. "If you do ever see anything please alert me." He said.

"Why... do you want to find her?" She asked.

"To maybe ask her what is wrong. I get the feeling that she has something inside her making her do these evil things. I just want to help her." He said looking to her.

"He wants to help....? The Devil inside me cannot be stopped so easily." She thought. "That's very kind of you to help her. Maybe there is something controlling her from the inside." She replied.

She bowed and began to walk towards the forest. "I'm sorry, but I never caught your name!" She heard and turned.

"My name is Serenity Tsukino. Nice to meet you, Prince of Earth." She then walked into the forest.

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