Part of the Vacation to Remember Trilogy
Chapter 1:
Rose's P.O.V.
“No! No!!!” I screamed at the men. Mom had always told me to stay with my sister Olivia. As the dragged me away I remember looking back and seeing them knock her out. I needed to stay with her...that's all my mother really told me.
They got tired of my yelling for help I guess, so they shoved something smelly in my face. Then the only other thing I remember after that is them shoving me into a van.
I woke to the sound of yelling and the smell of oak trees. I sat up and dragged myself out of the bed that had appeared. I think a man had tried to come and get me, he was flung back by some invisible force though. I shrugged and kept walking. You see back then I was a wild child and not afraid of anything or anybody. This would soon change.
I felt myself being pulled back to the room where I had just walked out of. No I don't want to go back there. I don't want to. Knew that something bad was there, I knew it in my gut.
“Your new name is Katy. You are a normal seven year old girl.” a deep and powerful voice said. “You are my daughter. We live with your mother Dianne.”
Oh I see where we are going with this, yeah I can play along. “Hi daddy and mommy.” I waking into the room and the smiled at each other and me.
“Katy, do you want to go in training now?” I felt myself being pulled to answer yes so I did.
“Okay.” I skipped into my room and shooed them out so I could change into whatever clothes I had in the closet. There were shorts and dresses and jeans and T-shirts and skirts. They were all kinds of bright colors. I changed into the bright green shorts and a black shirt. I put my hair up with the pony tails on my dresser.
I went to training and practiced some mind exercises with the trainer Tony. It was pretty boring all and all.
After that it was six already and I had dinner with “mommy and daddy” then I went to bed. Most days were like this but the training got harder and harder each day.
One day I failed in lifting a chair from the ground with my mind and “Daddy” was not pleased. He yelled at me until I cried and then hit me. He never stopped and soon I was covered with bruises.
I ran back to my room and skipped dinner. I looked in the mirror at myself, I had a black and purple bruise over my normally bright green eye. I had one arm that was now purple because he had hit it so much. I was hurt and angry. My eyes turned gray. I had to get out. And soon, but I should wait until I'm older.
It was settled. As soon as I was 17 I was out of here.
Chapter 2:
Rose's P.O.V.
By now I had been here for 10 years, and I was scared. Now “daddy” beat me everyday. I resorted to not talking or whimpering at all. I didn't talk to anybody. I was 17 next week it would be my 18th birthday. Now was the time to leave if I wanted to get out of here. Dianne and David (he was “daddy” were leaving for their trip to get me presents. I would leave tonight. I packed all of my favorite clothes and some food that I had stole from the kitchen. I put a toothbrush, toothpaste, a brush, a blanket, a small pillow, warm clothes that were good, regular clothes, the food, and a flashlight in my duffel bag.
I set my clock to 11 pm. To wake me up. Then I would leave. The time goes by fast when you fall asleep. It was 11 in no time. I got my duffel bag, put my jacket on and slipped into the hallway. It was normally locked but I had worked on picking it. The lock opened easily. Dianne and David never expected me to get out of my door to my room, so they had no further security.