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Merry Christmas! Hope you like it! Was kinda difficult to write Steven, so I hope I got him right :D


It felt rough. But soft in a strange way, comforting even. Nothing like expected. He's asleep, face relaxed, blonde locks all around his head and Axl just wanted to feel it's texture. He would never admit it, never ask, but fuck he's absolutely shit faced and there's something about dyed hair that fascinates him. He lets his fingers brush through a strand again, eyes narrowed and groaning out of annoyance about himself. Cause' Steven is a douchebag. He's a big, fucked up child with the most annoying grin in the world. Always happy, always beaming with joy and enthusiasm and always so, so eager to behave like he thinks a rockstar should.

Living in a garage without any heating and half a bag of crisps a day wasn't exactly was Axl considered as rockstar lifestyle and they hadn't even played more than three gigs in the current constellation, but judged by the amount of coke Steve did they were fuckin' huge. "Asshol'...", Axl slurred to himself, surprised about how goddamn drunk he seemed to be as he wasn't even able to talk straight anymore, but fuck it...fuck it...fuck it... "fuck it..."- he rolled back to his side of the mattress again, closing his eyes just to immediately open them again with an unpleasant rush of disorientation that almost made him gag and gave him the feeling of falling from a great height.


Steven woke up from a hand that was grabbing for his arm, stirring sleepily and scratching his balls, before realizing that he actually wasn't dreaming. "Who's there? What are ya' doing?"

"I...don'...eveeen...k-kno'..." Axl's slurred voice came through the darkness, followed by a weird sound, like a mixture of a chuckle and a hiccup.

"Shit, man, you're totally wasted!", Steven grinned at him, all happy, cause' damn it was rare to see Axl drunk, or, like now, totally shitfaced and dude, it was amusing.

"Nooo...m' not..."

Steven laughed, rolling on his belly, his fuzzy locks bouncing as he did so. He ruffled them, before turning on the little lamp beside his mattress. Axl was half sitting, half laying next to him, eyes lidded, lips glistening with saliva and his hair all over the place. He looked absolutely high, his hand still curled around Steven biceps.

"You can let go of my arm, buddy!"

"Thought' m' fallin'...ya'arm's...ya' know...", he emphasized the weird non sense of his words with a long puff through his mouth, exhaling and looking very concentrated as if it was very exhausting to be that drunk. Steven couldn't help but start laughing, a hand pressed to his belly. "What?!"


"Oh god, Axl, what the fuck are you on?"


He tilted from side to side a little, grabbing for Stevens arm harder, before starting to stare down to his fingers.


Axl didn't answer, but slowly traced down the muscle with two fingers with a curious expression. "Ya'...arm's...hard..."

"Is it yeah? Hahaha, you idiot!"

"Shu' up...Adler..."

"What ya' even doing here?"


"Where's Slash?"

Axl shrugged his shoulders, then pointed behind himself where Slash was sprawled on the ground, drooling and seemingly out cold.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2016 ⏰

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