Love Tags

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{This story is based on true events. This stor is dedicated to a good friend, hell a best friend, I think at leeast. May you enjoy this story and laugh, cry and feel the love these two share.)

[IDK if I said that right. Ah screw it just read and comment]

(Also I need a cover U wanna make me one? Email it to me at or PM me! :D)

We thank you dear readers who make us continue writing :)

Chapter one- Standing and Weenies

I hate weekends. Don't get me wrong, it's not those two days in themselves that I hate, it's the loneliness. There's nothing to do when you've got no friends People say that school projects, sitting around quietly, or even waiting in lines are possibly the most boring thing they've ever done, in my eyes standing around is the most boring thing ever, especially standing around at the mall, like I'm doing now.

I watch as the people walk past me, some chatting, and others just hanging out with friends. I sighed and started walking toward a food kiosk. I've never had a sweet tooth or anything like that, but, as everyone doesn't know, I have a weakness for weenies, also known as sausages on a stick, or hotdogs.

So I made my way to Walters Weenies, and stood staring at menu board. Hmmm.... Roosted weenies...Deep fried weenies, sugar weenies oh so many to choose! "Can I help you?" a teenager asked in a bored tone. "Can I have a Smiley weenie please?" "Coming right up" I nodded and shifted from foot to foot when suddenly I heard what could possibly be the sexiest voice ever. "Ya know, if you want to eat a real weenie, mines on the menu. You could make my weenie smile" A guy said with a wink. I rolled my eyes and scoffed. "So you're saying your weenie is three inches?" I teased while I paid for my food. When I looked at the guy he stood in silence.

"Mmhmm very convincing..." I said

"Its six and a half inches thank you very much!"

"You measure it? That sure shows your insecure." I giggled and he smirked, "Wanna measure it for me? We could play Doctor" I chuckled and took a bite from my weenie, "Nice try but no." Mr. Flirt shrugged and muttered something. "So, come here often?" I didn't respond. After 16 minutes of this he finally gave up.

"well nice meeting you...."


"Rose It was a pleaure" He shook my hand and turned to leave.

"Hey! What's your name???"

"Tobias" he said over his shoulder and exited the mall. What a flirt... I just know he's a player. I scoffed and threw away my trash. I drove back home and fixed dinner (A PB&J sandwich) and watched movies until I fell asleep.

"EVERYBODY DANCE NOW.... everybody dance now!!" I groaned and punched my alarm clock. When I die I will kill the person who invented alarm clocks again I swear it! After about one hour of rolling around on my bed, swearing, and praying for sleep to consume me again, I got ready for the day. I slipped on a Paramore t-shirt and dark jeans after my shower and fixed my chestnut colored hair into an up do. I never wore makeup; I've never had a desire too unless the occasion was formal like a party or a date, plus eye shadow irritates my eyes. I glanced at the clock; it read 12:28pm. What to do on a boring Sunday.... Oh la dee da... Then it came to me, the fair! I forgot the fair was this weekend. I grinned at the idea of going and grabbed my bag and slipped on some tennies and drove to the fair

"Cotton candy! Get yer cotton candy!!"

"Try the heart stopper! New ride extream thrill! Get in line folks!"

I smiled sadly as the noises, smells, and general atmosphere of the fair enveloped me, reminding me of mom and dad.


"Mommy! Mommy I wanna go on the Ferris wheel!" My mother laughed and grabbed my father, dragging him after her as we made our way to the Ferris wheel. I was excited! My first Ferris wheel ride!! My mom giggled, "Are you ready, Rose? Here we go!" I giggled with her and felt the ride start up. I held onto the bar tightly and looked down. Everything looked tiny, the people looked like ants. I grinned and looked at mommy and daddy; they were kissing! "Ewww mommy, you're gonna get cooties!!" She giggled and daddy grinned.

{End flashback}

I felt tears fill my eyes, at the memory we shared. I missed them. "Need a hanky?" a voice said. I looked up and saw Thomas...? No ughhh umm... Toby... Tobias!

"n-no I don't..." He smirked and handed me a hanky "Yeah... I think you need this. If not now then maybe later? or you could always come with me... We could rent a hotel room together and we go at it... You clean yoursel-" I smacked the back of his head, "I'M CRYING AND YOUR JOKING ABOUT S*X?!?" I said, laughingly although I was still crying "So you WERE crying!" He exclaimed

"Shut up" I paused then added "Stupid," Tobias rolled his eyes and rocked on his feet. I stared at his shoes for a little bit... Yes I'm that weird. He had on some black tennis shoes. How strange.... Most guys like sporty shoes... "Really? Looking at my shoes? Most girls look at my charming sexyfied face" I mentally gagged and retorted "Sexyfied? Charming? Don't lie to yourself kid," he gasped "I'm not! I mean who could resist this sexy, sexy face?"


"Mmhm... Well seeing as I no longer am needed here I guess this is where I say farewell....." he trailed off staring at me pleadingly. Do it! My mind screamed, Do it you fool!! You know you wanna my mind taunted. I sighed in defeat and muttered "You wanna join me?" he thought about it for a moment and glanced at me then at the ground then back at me. "Sure!" he finally said. I took his hand in mine and ran off dragging him behind me.

-Tobias POV-

When she took my hand in hers i felt sparks; Never before have I felt this way for a girl AND I've only known her for one day. She was simply stunning with her hypnotizing eyes and the healthiest looking hair. Wow Tobias, healthy looking hair? What are you gay? Ugh!

"Wanna go on that?" I looked to the ride she was suggesting. It was sorta like a spinning thing where u get dizzy and you feel like your brain is squished. I smiled and replied "Sure"


Writters Note: No offence to gays :) cuz they awesome too :D

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