Chapter 1 - The Best Monday

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((The picture above is a picture of Lily))

*Lily's P.O.V*

My alarm went off. It's Monday. I grudgingly got up and got ready for school. Once I was ready, I went down for breakfast and was greated by my father and mother at the dining table. I sat down and enjoyed my pancakes which my mom had prepared.

   I arrived at school with my two bestfriends, Ruby and Chloe. We went straight to our lockers to get our books for the first class of the day which was English. We were not really dreading this subject mainly because it was one of the classes that the three of us had together. After we took our books we went to class together and sat down at our normal places in class and just started chatting with each other and ignoring the other people that came into the class. Not long after that, the bell rang indicating that class would start soon but after some minutes, Ms Alice still didnt show up. Some people said that she was sick so she wouldnt be coming to class. English is a fun subject especially if Ms Alice is the one who is teaching but I still wouldnt complain if I got some extra time to hang out and chat with my friends. Soon, the period ended and we had to go to our next classes which I was dreading the most because the classroom is far away from my locker and Ruby and Chloe wont be with me.

   I made my way to the classroom and our Mathematics teacher, Mr Lewis was already there. I sat down at my usual spot and waited for Megan to arrive and sit beside me but there was 2 minutes left before class started and Megan still hadnt showed up. This made me felt uneasy because Megan is never late to Maths class because she loves it so much. I concluded that she might be home sick and no one was gonna sit beside me but to my surprise Ryan sat down beside me and when he did that there butterflies in my stomach and my heart fluttered. This is because I have had a crush on him for a very long time. Ryan is very handsome with his tousled dark brown hair and eyes that are a mesmerising deep ocean blue that make me weak at the knees. His face is strong and defined. He is slim, muscular with an almost perfectly symmetrical face. He is also in the school's football team. I was brought back to reality when I heard the bell rang.

*Ryan's P.O.V*

   I had Maths class next. I dont really hate Maths but at the same time I dont really like it. I had a feeling that the class would be very boring. There were a few seats left by the time I arrived at the classroom. A girl that was sitting down by the window caught my attention. There was something about her that made my eyes never drifting away from her. I haven't really seen her around school but maybe that's just because I usually hang out with the football team and the girls from the cheerleading squad. Since the seat beside her was not taken at the time I decided to sit there. And for once, I'm guessing that Maths class isn't going to be so boring and maybe I'll be able to make new friends.

*Lily's P.O.V*

   While I was doing some exercises, Ryan passed me a note saying "Hey, you're Lily right? Do you mind if I sit here?" . So, I passed another note back to him saying "Yeah, I'm Lily and I dont mind you sitting there. It's not my place anyways, it's Megan's and I appreaciate someone filling up the space there :)". In the end, Ryan and I passed notes to each other until the period ended. We didn't listen to a single thing that Mr Lewis had said.

  I went to recess with Ruby because Chloe was no where to be found, she might be behind the library having some 'fun time' with her boyfriend Matt. We sat down at our normal place in the cafeteria and I told Ruby everything that had happened in Maths class this morning and we shared some other funny stories. While we were chatting with each other, Chloe came to the table with Matt and the both of them were smiling sheepishly at us.

   I was feeling very tired by the time I reached home, so I went straight to my room and decided to take a nap. After I woke up, I took my maths book and went to my study room because I wanted to catch up on what had been taught in class this morning while I was a bit pre-occupied with passing notes to Ryan. A note slipped out of the book when I opened it. I didn't recognize the writing on the note but it said "Hey you, it was nice to chat with you during class. Wanna hang out with me soon. Let's get to know each other better. :) -R". Well, so much for catching up on Maths, now I could only think about the note and going out with Ryan. I got up from the couch, put on a sweater, left a note on the refridgerator for mom to tell her where I'm gonna go and I might not be back for dinner, took my phone and went out. If I had a car and a driver's license, I would have went to Ruby's house because Ruby is a better listener and would be at home unlike Chloe who might be on a date with Matt. But I still made my way to Chloe's house considering the fact that I was still underage, couldn't afford a car and it was the closest to my house.

*Ryan's P.O.V*

   There was nothing interesting on the television, so I decided to just check my phone and scroll through my Instagram feed. While I was doing so, my mind drifted back to the girl I met in Maths class whose name is Lily. I wondered if she found the note that I had left for her inside her book and instantly regretted not giving her my number. I could really use the company now. Even my brother wasn't at home, probably hanging out with his friends before they all have to go their seperate ways.

   Sleep. That was the only thing I could think of doing and the only thing I want to do right now. I trudged back up the stairs and into my room.


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