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  • Dedicated to Florentina Roth

This is dedicated to my mom who is the hero in my life and always will be. =]

        We are all born, we all live and then we die; this is the truth of our world. But before we die we all have a mission to fulfill before our final hour. That mission we are never told what it is because it is our duty to find out what is. We are all different, every one of us and we all think different. All this is true but there is one thing that we all share in thought. We all want to make history. Whether it’s becoming doctors or lawyers it does not matter because these things are all things that will help us make history.

      But do we truly know how to make history? And do we know what its means to make history? To make history is to do something worth remembering, something that will make the future generations proud of having a person like you in the world. All of this is one of the most difficult things to do while living. But it is one of the best things. To make history you are not just remembered in the future, you are also looked upon as a hero.

      Throughout our lives we have many heroes, they are first fictional heroes like Superman or Spiderman or if not our parents. As we grow older we begin to have new heroes, people that have done something that is worth looking upon. And because of these heroes we all have we ourselves want to become heroes, but not just a mere copy of our heroes but a new hero, a hero that has done something different then the pervious heroes; A hero with their own name, their own story, and their own mission to complete.

      But as our journeys begin and we begin to search for our missions in life we tend to fall and forget we are searching for our missions. This has happened to many people and they have never been able to find their missions because they fear of falling again.  But we must not fear of falling because we will rise again but this time stronger. We must remember that even if we fall we must find our missions so we can complete them and make history.  People say that only a chosen few are able to make history, but that is nothing but a lie. We all can make history if we all keep strong and rise after we fall. Just because you fall once it does not mean you will fall again.

      As life goes on and people die and the heroes die, new people and  new heroes are born and search for their missions to make history. We never know who those heroes are. They could be the next person you see walking down the road or maybe even someone you know or maybe even you are the next hero. That does not matter, because what really matters is that we will all have heroes in the world and will always have heroes to make our world more peaceful.

      But there is one thing that we all must know, just because we do not appear  in the history books of tomorrow does not mean you didn’t make history, because we all make history in someone’s life and someone out there looks upon us as what we all want everyone to see us as…. Heroes…...

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