The next morning, Michael wakes up with a major hangover. He turns over and sees Gavin sleeping right next to him. He jumps out of bed in shock.
"What the hell happened last night?!" He thinks to himself.
"Gavin get up!"
"Good morning, my little Micool! Did you have a good sleep?"
"No! What the fuck happened last night?! Why are you in my bed!?"
Gavin pauses than looks around confusingly than looks up with a huge smile.
"Well I wanted to sleep with you, you donut!"
Michaels jaw drops.
"Are you fucking serious?! Get out of my bed, now!"
Gavin gets up looking puzzled.
"But Michael, why are you so angry?"
Michael turns around in with more rage than before.
"Because I slept with a dude, you idiot!"
Michael turns back around and runs his fingers threw his hair in frustration. Gavin than sneaks up behind him and wraps his arms around his waist causing Michael to jump, grab Gavin by the shirt and pin him up against the wall.
"Michael! What are you doing"
"No, Gavin what the fuck are you doing?! What the fuck is your problem?!"
"Michael, your scaring me!" Gavin cries as tears start running down his cheeks.
Michael drops Gavin and kicks him out of the house.
"Michael, I'm sorry!" Gavin yells from outside the door.
Michael opens the door and looks at his once best friend.
"Gavin, don't talk to me anymore, don't come over anymore, don't look at me anymore! To make myself any more clear, I don't want to anything to do with you ok?"
Michael slams the door and leaves Gavin alone in the driveway with tears still running down his face. He calls Geoff and asks for him to come pick him up. When Geoff arrives Gavin doesn't say a word until Geoff asks what's wrong
"Gavin, do you mind telling me why your crying?"
Gavin pauses for a moment than begins to speak.
"I just lost my best friend Geoff, and I don't know what to do. "
The rest of the ride home is silent and Gavin is still disappointed in loosing his best friend. They finally arrive back home and Gavin drags himself out of the car and into is room where he stays there for the rest of the day.