Chapter 1

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Excuse my errors.

Disclaimer: Don't own Naruto.


"Hinata-san. Can you please see the next patient for me? Something came up and I really need to go."

Hinata eyed the exit sign longingly, the long strap of her hand bag dangling off her shoulder, fingers curling and uncurling around the brown band. She sighed inaudibly, fixed a smile on her face and turned. "Of course, Miyami-san. Please lead the way."

The said girl's face lit up with a smile, like a child who had been offered their favourite candy. Her hands found their way around Hinata's and she chanted thank you's as if memorizing the word. The girl led the Hyuuga to minor OT, offering her to carry her bag on the way which Hinata politely declined. Looking down at her wrist watch, she sighed again. I'm going to be late for dinner, again.

Sometimes it sucked to be unable to tell people 'no'.

Miyami stopped at the door, a frown marring her features and apprehension dancing in her eyes. It didn't go unnoticed by the blunette, neither did the strange fixation of the girl behind the counter or the fact that a nurse nearby almost ran into a patient in a wheelchair since she was too busy eyeing them. "H-he's in there."

"Oh okay, I'll take care of him. You just go and deal with whatever that you needed to deal with."

The brunette thanked her yet another million times before she scurried out of the place. Hinata exhaled for the umpteenth time and slipped inside.

If she was weary before, she was wide awake now with a stiff body and wide eyes. Her lungs burned to pull in air but her mind seemed to be working on other things in that particular moment to focus on breathing. She stood frozen in her spot, torn between fleeing and staying.

Uchiha Sasuke, the ex-avenger, the nukenin, the traitor, the murderer, the everything-bad sat on the examination couch, cradling an injured arm.


His greeting was what snapped her out of her reverie and she quickly turned to avoid the discomfort that arose with him gazing at her face. "U-Uchiha-san." She proceeded to discard her bag at the table in one corner of the room. Appearing to be busy running over some papers in a yellow folder there, she asked: "How may I be of assistance?"

She knew she was being unprofessional; her weariness was getting in the way of her performing her duties right but she convinced herself that she was merely surprised at him being back. She wasn't the type to judge people based on what others said. The town gossip was not getting to her. Nu-uh.

"I'm supporting a gash on my arm," he raised his mentioned limb even when Hinata wasn't looking his way. "I'd like it to be healed with chakra."

He preferred Sakura over this girl or any medic for the matter. They always acted as if he was going to bite their heads off. At least he and Sakura were acquainted enough to not go through with this drama that had become a part of his life. Too bad she was on a mission with the dobe.

"It's better to let it heal on its own. Natural healing is always preferred unless absolutely necessary. A couple of stitches is all it requires. Just make sure it's clean and dry. You can wash it with water after twenty-four hours but don't keep it soaked for too long. If it hurts, use the painkiller in the prescription. Try not to scratch and don't move your arm around too much."


"Please visit again if there are complications. I'll get Hitomi-san for you. She'll wrap this up. Good day, Uchiha-san." Sasuke had his lips parted in an inquiry but Hinata practically ran out of the room to allow him anything. She released a breath she hadn't know she was holding. Mentally patting herself for not stuttering out of nervousness before him, she immediately began looking for Hitomi.

The unfortunate nurse was right where she needed to be and was sent to tend to the last Uchiha, much to her dismay.

Hinata went home without delay, 'a nice long chat with Miyami' on her next day's to-do list.


He returned a few days later, his arm now looking swollen and red.

And Miyami was in OT.

Hinata bit her lower lip hard as she observed his arm, general worry for her patient's wellbeing replacing her fear for the villainous Uchiha. It was her fault after all, had she just healed him with chakra, none of this would have happened.

No. She made the right choice even if her dislike for him had affected her decision.

"What did you do?"

"I... uh," he looked away, embarrassed. "Laundry."

"I told you to keep it dry, didn't I? How can you be so careless?" She reprimanded, taking his arm in her hand for closer inspection. "It's infected."

"I needed clean clothes."

"Well your wound needed clean environment too."

"That's exactly why I needed clean clothes."

"You should have been careful about it."

"I have only one arm, Hyuuga. There's only so much care I can practice."

The guilt that had been buried beneath unwavering resolution broke through the surface and took over. Shame filled every fiber of her being; who was she kidding? She had let her feelings get the better of her and had neglected her duties in favor of fleeing. There was no question of natural or artificial healing. Sasuke had needed the latter and she had denied him that. She had let others opinion cloud her own judgment.

She had no idea what Sasuke had been through and hence no right to judge him. Look where it got her.

Lavender chakra poured out of her hands, soft fingers grazing his swollen flesh. He'd be all right. She'd make sure of it.

Sasuke observed the shadows dancing on her face. There was no denying she had beautiful eyes despite being a pair of byakugan. They were so expressive, like an open book, a window that allowed peeks at her soul.

You just needed the right angle to see it.

"Your chakra is different."

White met black briefly. She smiled at him and turned to his arm again. "You mean different from Sakura-san's." A nod, "Well that's because it's not healing chakra. I'm trying to bring the swelling down so I can begin healing." Her chakra took a light crimson hue and she continued, "This will kill all the bacteria and reduce the chances of the wound getting infected again."

Sasuke listened keenly to her description of chakra and its working. It surprised him how deadly yet affectionate it can be. It was amazing what you could do with it. "It's impressive: the way you can mold your chakra in so many ways."

"It's elementary when you're a Hyuuga but thank you."

By the time she finished, Sasuke's arm was good as new. There was no scarring; it looked as if the wound had never been there. "Try to rest it for twenty-four hours. Please don't hesitate to find me if you feel any discomfort."

"I will. Thanks."

Hinata had half the mind to apologize to him for her treatment the other day but the smile he shot her told that it was all forgiven.

She could return home and enjoy a peaceful sleep tonight.



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