Chapter 1

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I sat at a desk, zoned out as my friend, Beth, stood in front of the class teaching them about sunburn. She had just gotten back from the beach and felt the need to use her sunburn for the topic of our extra grade.

Beth was pretty crazy. But also perfect at the same time. A lot of people underappreciated her, and a lot of people wanted her. I had actually dated her once, it's how we became best friends in a way.

She had dumped me, but I wasn't gonna let her get away that easy so I basically begged her to just be my friend, and it went on from there. We talk crap about each other, I find guys for her to flirt with. it's just how we are. We have a unique friendship.

Beth slid into the seat beside me, slamming her shoulder into mine. "Did you see that?" She laughed, asking me an obviously dumb question.

I rolled my eyes, "obviously I saw it, this classroom isn't that big and your mouth isn't very small." The bell rang as I spoke and we both moved to get up, grabbing our bags and walking out the door.

"Smart mouth," Beth grumbled, flicking my cheek with her thumb and forefinger.

I slip past a few of the football players, "Thank you, I try my best." I give her a big grin, and turn down the other hall to head to my next class.





And there it is, I smile and shake my head, not looking back at her.

I slip through the halls quickly, making it to my next class as quickly as possible so I could see Taylor. Taylor is pretty unique, and we talk like we hate each other half the time but we both love each other to death. Well, I know I do. Taylor cares a lot about grades and school work and doing the right thing, whereas I couldn't care less. I guess it's what clashes between us.

I made it to class with three minutes to spare and my eyes set on Taylor, her nose buried in a science book and her handwriting definitions. She wasn't even looking at the paper, what the? How does she do that? Wizard voodoo type stuff, that's what she's doing.

"Hey, Tay Bae!" I smirk at the nickname I gave her freshman year and swing my arm over her shoulder. She scoffs at me and pushes my hand off her shoulder. "You should be studying, we've got a test in a few minutes," she tells me, not tearing her eyes away from the paper.

"Ah shoot, you're right! I don't care!"" I hear her sigh in frustration at my lack of caring, and I walk to my desk and sit. This is gonna be a long class.


Sitting down at the lunch table, Beth and Taylor smiled at me.

"Hey guys, what'd I miss?" Callie plopped down on the seat next to me.

Taylor gave me a mischievous look and broke the silence. "So Ash, ready for summer? Only a week of school left." I glanced at Beth, giving her an "I'm watching you" look.

I looked back at Taylor, "summer is summer dude, all it means is no school and sunburn." I took a glance at Beth to prove my point, who was peeling the skin off her bright red, sunburnt arm and wincing in pain. "It's not summer yet and she looks like a baby's butt that has a rash," I state, proving my point further. Beth stopped picking at her skin and looked up, offended. "Alright guys, I gotta head to the drama room, time to take a nap." I stand up, grabbing my bag and leaving my lunch. Before I walk away, I look at Beth and smile.


I sat in the hall of the fine arts building, my arm thrown over my eyes and my back leaned against the wall. I was always tired. I could feel as energetic as possible, I could be bouncing around and talking up a storm, but that's only because I take my medicine.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2021 ⏰

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