Harry styles fight image

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You and harry have been dating for

almost six years. You guys were high

school swear hearts. Everybody new

you In school for being the cutest couple

ever. You both met through your older

brother and started dating when you

you were only 13 and he was 14 and

Everything had been perfect until now.

Lately he has been acting really strange

he was being really cold. He did not

answer any of your messages until

hours later and this was really worrying 


One day you finally had enough and

decided to confront him about it before

it got worse.

So you decided to call him.

"Hey babe" he answered

"Hay harry do you think I can see you today we need to talk."

"Uhmm is everything ok?" harry said

"I don't know is it?" you said sarcasm noticeable in your voice

"Wha-" you cut him off

"Can I see you or not?" you said starting to get annoyed.

"Yeah sure I'll be right over I love you" harry said

You didn't even respond you just hung

up and waited for him to arrive.

Once he got hare he greeted you with

Worried eyes.

"Hey (y/n)"

"Hi" you said

You heard him sigh and then ask you

"Ok tell me what's going on." He said

"You tell me. You're the one who has been acting so distant and kind of cold towards me. Are you ok? Do you still love me?" You asked sacred to hear his answer

"Of course I do just because I don't spend every single minute with you or talking to you it doesn't mean I don't love you gosh (y/n) CAN YOU JUST STOP ASSUMING THINGS AND GIVE ME SOME SPACE!" He was now yelling .

His words hurt you. Tears started to

fall from your eyes and when he saw

this he realized what he had just said

and immediately tried to apologize

but you stopped him before he could.


"It's fine harry i think you've said enough" you cried

He immediately tried to grab you but

You pushed him aways. His eyes

Showed hurt and regret as tears started

to fall from his eyes.

"No baby please." He cried

" I think it's better for you to leave harry." You said

"No no no (y/n) please baby I didn't mean it please." His voice slowly rising


he just looked at the ground and stayed

quiet thinking about what to say

With out making things worse.

"I just got really angry when you just

started to question my love for you.

you mean so much to me baby and it

makes me really Angry when you don't

believe me. I am really sorry that I have

been acting like this lately. I guess I

didn't look at it your way and I am so sorry about that love. I promise that I won't do that again. And that I will show you just how much you mean to me and how much I love you." He said

You just stared at him for a while them

you jumped in his arms and kissed him

hard showing him just how much

You've missed him. He wrapped his

arms around your waist and you both

pulled aways out of breath and he

rested his forehead against yours and

Smiled wide.

"I love you baby." he said and pecking your lips one more time

You smiled at his words

"I love you too hazza" you smiled


Sorry if it's bad it's my first imagine ever please comment and vote and let me know what you guys though

Thank you

Evelyn oxox

Harry styles fight imageWhere stories live. Discover now