Chapter 1 (The Meeting)

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Puck: Hey Brittany? Did you hear about the new prisoner?

Brittany: Yeah I'm reading her file now.

Puck: So what does it say?

Brittany: Santana Marie Lopez
25 years old
Wt: 135lbs
Ht: 5'5
Race: Latina with black hair and dark brown eyes
She was convicted for murder and is serving 15 years.

Puck: Anything in the red box?

Brittany: Yeah! It says here that she is very dangerous, can be very violent. And she is also a black belt in Tae Kwon Do. Her twin sister Naya Lopez was kidnapped at the age of 10 and has yet to be found.

Puck: Wow! Sounds like she is going to be fun to deal with. And her sister no where to be seen must be hard.

Rachel: Walks in! Hey guys How are you?

Brittany: Looks up from her desk. Oh hey Rachel. I'm good. How about you?

Rachel: I'm doing good. You know that Quinn is still giving me a hard time with her monthly check up's.

Puck: I bet she is a handful and is always mad.

Rachel: Yeah she is but you know she is never nasty to me just gives me a hard time.

Puck: She probably likes you. Smiles

Brittany: Hey Rachel! Do you know when the new prisoner comes in? Santana Lopez

Rachel: Looks down at her clipboard. Says here at 5pm.

Brittany: Looks up at the clock. Sees that it is 4:48pm. Ok so she will be here very soon. Hey Puck go and get Sam and Finn.

Puck: Ok but why?

Brittany: I have a feeling she is going to be a handful.

Puck: Nods and walks out to find Sam and Finn.

Sam: Is she really this dangerous?

Finn: Come on guys it's only a girl.

Brittany: Finn remember when I told you to never underestimate an inmate.

Puck: Ok here we go! Watching the patty wagon pull up.

Sam: Hey look is that Beiste driving?

Brittany: Watches Beiste get out and walk to her. Hey Beiste?

Beiste: Hey Brittany, Sam, Finn and Puck.

Brittany: How was the drive?

Beiste: Long but good

Finn: Did you have any problems with the prisoner?

Beiste: You know if read her file and figured she was going to give me a hard time but nothing. Was looking down the whole ride up here and never said a word.

Puck: Really? Ok well let's get her to the infirmary for her check up.

Beiste: Ok walks over to the patty wagon. Come on Lopez let's go!

Brittany: Watching as Beiste gets Lopez out of the patty wagon.

Santana: Get's out looking down and walks over to the desk.

Brittany: Takes Santana's from Beiste. Thanks Beiste! Starts walking Santana down to the infirmary with Sam,Puck and Finn.

Santana: (Thinking to herself) I hate my life and I wish I was dead. What's the point being here when all you get is hurt,broken,used and not loved at all. I feel lost and empty with no reason to be here and now look I'm in prison for 15 years for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Know point in fighting it who is going to believe me anyway.

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