Satan made me do this (bad satan!)

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EDIT: I wrote this at December 26th and it wouldn't load on my phone but here we go now.

Hi friends! (Are you still my friends? I don't know)

Well, people have tagged me to do 13 facts about me, some of the comment invaders assemble (Masterofseaunicorns, Fansquirrel) but most recently assbutt_ofthelord and max99810. Here I am.

1.) I'm female. (Wow, I started very creative, I know)

2.) I'm Jewish and I am currently celebrating Hanukka with my family (Happy holidays!)

3.) I will graduate next year and I'm really scared even though I already have a place to study/work.

4.) If you are wondering about the title, assbutt_ofthelord is my satan and I am her second in command demon. (I'm still mad at you for tagging me tho)

5.) I'm very good in school. Like, that sounds weird, but it's true.

6.) I'm too awkward to speak to strangers in real life. Even family members I don't really know. So I barely speak if it's not with my friends.

7.) I'm trying to read The Hobbit and watch the movies again so I can compare them. My phone and wattpad are keeping me from it.

8.) I'm such a neat freak. Seriously, it's not funny anymore.

9.) I don't understand wall breaking. Like, 4th wall breaking. Not actual walls. Even though I don't know anything about that eather.

10.) Hmm it's getting harder to find facts. I love reading, and I'd like to read more but school is always in the way😭

11.) English is not my native language. I apologize for any mistakes.

12.) My plans for New Years Eve are to meet with a friend and watch countless Marvel/DC movies (and Baymax lol). She's on wattpad too but I forgot her username rip. She's very cool tho and her sories are read by lots of people.

13.) I don't even know anymore. I guess I'm not that interesting at all, haha. Ummm I recently got the Harry Potter and the Cursed Child book and I hated it? Like, the characters were very badly written and barely had any feelings. I was so disappointed! But I looved the Fantastic Beasts and where to find them movie! It was so cute! I love all kinds of animals so it was pure happiness to see those cute lil beasts!

I have difficulties with tagging people because I simply don't know much people on here and the one's I know already did it / were tagged / tagged me rip. Sooo I guess I'm a rebel and not gonna tag 15 ppl. If you wanna, feel free to do it. Oh wait, I could tag all my followers! Ha, if you read this, you are tagged!!!!! (Does it work like this? Am I threatening yet? Please?)

Have fun with the knowledge about me you just gained. And again, happy holidays to y'all!

I blame it on my best buddy Satan (aka 13 facts about me)Where stories live. Discover now