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niall's pov-

after Jess had left i'd figured i should go find Liam. so i headed off inside. I went to the kitchen and saw his mum making some tea.

"hi karen!" i smiled brightly

"oh, niall dear!" she smiled back "how are you?" she asked.

"I'm fairly good, what about yourself?" i asked.

"if you don't mind me saying. jess is a lovely girl niall. treat her right" she winked with a smile and just like that she was out of sight.

wait what.


jess' pov-

the day quickly ended and i soon found my self being awoken by the morning sun peeking through my window. i lazily got up and out of bed and headed downstairs where i was sure to find both my parents reading newspapers, drinking coffee and eating toast.

i placed my bowl on the kitchen bench and turned to the kettle on to boil, i then grabbed corn flakes box and poured some into the bowl adding milk. once i made my tea i casually walk to the dining table and join both my parents in little conversation.

after i had a shower and refreshed my self i grabbed some leggings and a baggy jumper with my all black high top converse, snatched my phone off its charger and headed downstairs. i figured i should text niall considering i found my self fall asleep as soon as i got home.

"heyyyy"  i locked my phone and over heard my parents talking, all i made out of the conversation was 'it would be good' and something like 'lets tell her tonight' so i'm not exactly sure what my parents were on about, but something told me it wasn't good and i had a pretty bad feeling they were talking about me.

after about an hour of no response from niall, i decided to head out to our local cafe and get some coffee and a muffin.

"mum im going out, be back soon." i called to mum as i gathered my purse and key and headed towards the front door.

"ok sweetie, be safe" she replied happily.

once i got outside i figured it was to nice weather to drive a short five minutes so i started the quick, casual fifteen minute walk it would take me. as i opened the door the little bell above signaling someone had entered to store went off. i went straight up to the counter and ordered my usual.

i went and sat down at the little table a few rows back from the window and grabbed out my phone and started scrolling through my twitter and going through my instagram. i was extremely bored so when the little bell rang i automatically looked up to the door.

i almost flipped out of my chair when i noticed niall laughing, he's so cute i thought, no don't think that. so i ended up having this massive argument in my head, to busy to even notice the waiter had handed my order to me.

i quickly found myself walking out of the door to avoid bumping into niall. only because he had a girl with him, and i wouldn't want to interupt their fun so i mindlessly walked myself to the nearest park.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2014 ⏰

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