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Reflection tour- March 4, 2015 

"Do you guys think we'll ever break up?" Camila asked as the credits rolled on the screen from the movie they just finished watched. Dinah turn around in her seat and shrugged. 

"I think that if we stay close and keep doing what we're doing we should be fine. As long as we stick together, I think we can overcome anything life throws at us." 

Ally nodded and also turned to Camila. "I love all you guys. I think it'd take a lot to change that, too. If we ever broke up, I'd support all of you till the end." 

"Aww. You're so cute, Ally," Lauren patted her head and laid her head on Camila's shoulder. "But I agree. I'm going to support all of you guys no matter what. Lylas, remember?" 

Camila sat back and watched her friends converse about their future together. She leaned her head onto Lauren's and intertwined their fingers. It was moments like this Camila longed to have every second of the day, but was forbidden by management. 

You see, management figured out that Camren was good for promotion. So they told Camila and Lauren that they needed to keep their distance in public unless they needed then to interact publicly to draw the crowd back to them. It was a messed up arrangement but they agreed for the sake of the rest of the group. 

Lauren looked up at Camila and smiled. Camila reciprocated the smile and kissed her temple. Lauren cuddled into Camila's side even more and drew her attention back to the group. 

If only they knew.


November 8, 2015-

"So you made a song? And you're going to release it? When?" Dinah asked her. They were rooming together in the hotel that night and Camila just couldn't keep her excitement anymore. She was supposed to be promoting the song in a few days so the other girls were bound to find out anyway. 

"Its supposed to be out in a few days. Do you want to hear it?" 

"Chanch, that's not the point. Were you planning on telling any of us before it even came out?"

"I mean.. yeah. I was going to bring it up eventually. Are you mad at me for this?" 

Dinah signed and shook her head. "I'm not mad or anything. It just would've been nice to have a little more of a heads up of what was going on, ya know? I mean, you kind of just went and wrote a song behind out backs and even recorded it and everything. That's something that would be nice to know." 

Camila frowned and walked over to Dinah's bed. She sat down next to her and grabbed her hand. "I'm sorry, Cheech. I didn't even think about it. I was just scared. I didn't want you guys to be mad at me."

"I think we would've been more mad not knowing about it. Its just so sudden. Its the last thing we would've thought about. Am I the only one out of the four of us you've told?"  Camila just looked down at the ground instead of answering. Dinah must've noticed the lack of verbal response and gave Camila's hand a squeeze. "You need to tell them, Mila. They deserve to know too."

"Yeah, you're right. I'll tell them tomorrow." 

~Next day~

Camila walked into the small room outside the studio they took their breaks in. Right now the producers told them to take a break before they continued to record their sections for their sophomore album following their "Reflection" album. "Hey, can i talk to you guys for a second?" 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2016 ⏰

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