Saving Marzia. (A pewdiepie fanfic)

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I held my hands together softly in the airport. I tried to be calm and relax myself because by the looks of it, I was going to have a nervous break down. I looked around for him, For about 10 minuets, 'F-Felix?' I whispered into the air softly. I began to frown, And i was about to leave this stupid airport before i felt a hand slide around my waist and somone jam something to my side hard, I winced softly at the pain that shot through my spine, Before slowly turning to see and it was a tall, White man, Dressed in normal clothes and whispered in my ear 'Dont scream sweetheart, Or this bullet is going through your hip, Got that?' I nodded and out of the corner of my eyes, Saw Felix drop his suitcase and look disipointed. I tried to scream but the fear was over riding my whole body. 'Felix...' I whispered softly. I mouthed the words "Help me...'' and he ran over 'Is there a problem here, Sir?' The man smirked ''Not at all, Here with my girlfriend! Right hunny?' He jammed the gun harder into my side and with tears in my eyes 'Y-Yes Felix.. My boyfriend..' I gulped loudly and Felix looked at me, Balling his fists and walking away. "FELIX HELP ME!!!' I screamed and everyone looked at us and yelped as i heard the gun cock and i squeezed my eyes shut, Waiting to be shot. Felix ran over to me fast and grabbing me out of the mans arms. 

Saving Marzia. (A pewdiepie fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now