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hey babes,

first of all,this is our (sarah and mine) new story and it will be a zayn and harry fanfiction.yes,we will write that one together so this story will be written out of two points of view. let's start with the prologue,i hope you enjoy. xx 


I ran as fast as I could looking for a good place to hide. I felt safe as soon as I couldn't hear the sirens willing and didn't see any reflections of the blue lights anymore. I was out of breathe wandering around a musty side street being anxious for looking as homely as possible to not attract any attention from the few people near me. I felt uncomfortable as fuck surrounded by the darkness and some drunk homeless. I should get out of this street again..as soon as possible.

I quickened my pace in order to find a place less frightening to stay. I was glad to reach a familiar street with a few bars,some coffee shops and diners. I've been to some of these bars before. There were a bunch of people in reach which made me feel more comfortable. It was early in the morning at five ,the sun hadn't even set yet so most of them were drunk on their way home but I could also catch a glimpse of businessmen making their way to work. I decided to enter one of those coffee shops because even though it was just the beginning of september the weather was cold.

I got myself a coffee and took a seat by the window. I still couldn't believe what have happened tonight,everything got out of control and I didn’t seem to get the sound of the police sirens out of my head. I ran my hands trough my messy blond hair waiting for a call,a text or whatever to know if everyone was okay. I took a sip of my coffee wincing as soon my phone started ringing.

“Liam ?!” I answered the phone nervously.

“Yes,it's me. I'm sorry,i should have taken care of you better but everything was a mess and I couldn't seem to find you.” He sounded tired.

“It's alright, I’m old enough to take care of myself.” I assured.

“I failed as your older brother huh?”

“Don't say that ever again and tell me how's the rest? ” I asked still worried.

“They're all doing okay,we didn't get caught , fortunately. Where are you?”

I sighed with relief.

“I'm at a coffee shop near the bar we went to last week. I didn't know where to go and I was freezing so I decided to go in here to wait until you call.” I answered taking another sip of my coffee.

“Okay,I’ll be there in about 10 minutes to pick you up. Sorry,you shouldn't have to spend your first day of college overtired.” He sighed.

“Nobody knew that this would happen. I will just take a shower and everything will be okay.”

“Hmm..well i'm on my way. See you in a bit!” He hung up and I knew that he was still thinking about how he could have taken care of me better. He is just too harsh with himself.

But there was one point that I agreed on. My first day of college really shouldn't be like this. I should haven been well rested and good looking not exhausted and a total mess like how am I supposed to make friend looking like a zombie? I didn't even meet my roommate yet but everything is gonna be okay... I guess.

Running away from the police at night,going to college by day.

Here goes my Hannah Montana life. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2014 ⏰

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