The Nightmare In Darlwood

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Run. That's what everyone does to get away from the bad guy in a nightmare right? Well not me. I should have listened! I shouldn't have gone there but I did and now I cannot change anything.... I don't have nightmares anymore. Not until after i met him. Tick tock he would say. Tick tock on the clock, your time has come to meet the nightmare man. I don't have nightmares. I am the nightmare.


"Alice!" My sister Scarlett had been calling my name frequently for the past 5 minutes. After I cleared the last bit of my room, making it neat and tidy, I went to check what she wanted.

"Alice! There you are! I have been calling you for ages, didn't you hear me?" She exclaimed when she saw me coming down the stairs. Even for a 10 year old, she had such a squeaky high pitch voice.

"I was doing something Scarlett! Don't shout. Now what do you want?"

"Mum said I could go trick or treating with you on Halloween!"

I felt anger build up inside me. I wanted it to just be me and my friends trick or treating together as teenagers. NOT my annoying little tag- along sister as well!

Scarlett looked at me. A huge smile on her face with puppy eyes. You can tell just by looking at her that she's the type of girl who always gets what she wants.

I glared at her horribly, pushed her to the side, ran up the stairs and logged onto Facebook on my tablet. My best friends, Jackson, Kaiden, Esme and Laura were on a group chat I created so I decided to talk to them:

Me: hey guys :-)  guess what ?:-(

Esme: hey! what?

Laura: hey sis! what's wrong?

Jackson: oh hey al, whatsup?

Kaiden: hello!! whaaattts wrong?

Me: Calm down! haha its just ya know we are going trick or treating on Halloween together?

Laura: yah? what about it?

Me: Well my mum said I have to bring Scarlett with me!....:-( 

Jackson: But I thought we were gonna go check out that spooky forest near urs? won't ur sis get scared? :-! :-\

Esme: Oh well I guess not then :-(

Me: Oh I don't care! She wanted to come! Its not my fault if she gets scared

Kaiden: All righhhht then! Well its gonna be awesome trick or treating with my bffs anyway. To be truthful, I have never really been before.....

Laura: Oh you will love it then ! :-)

Me: gtg guys seeya on Halloween!! xx :-)

Jackson: Seeya xx

Laura: bye xx:-)

Kaiden: bye x :-) :-)

Esme: Bye al! xxxx

31/10/13 - Halloween....

*drrrrrringggg drrrrrrrringggg* The door bell sounded as I put the finishing touches to my makeup for my witch costume. This was gonna be so much fun I thought. I love doing stuff like this with my best friends.

When I finally answered the door, My friends who were also dressed in scary costumes burst through the door screaming "Trick Or Treat!!!" They fell onto me laughing and yelling. I laughed until I couldn't breathe. Oh how I loved my best friends. Haha.

"So you ready for the scariest trick or treating we have ever done?" Laura exclaimed with delight.

"Yup! of course! haha .... wait have I forgotton something..... Oh yeh SCARLETT! HURRY UP!" I yelled up the stairs. Maybe I should of just left. I didn't want her with us in the first place.

"I'm coming!" My sister called back and she rushed down the stairs in a devil costume. I hated that costume on her.

*an hour later after all the trick or treating*

"Right!" Gasped Kaiden who had been pretend running away from my sister. "We should go too that creepy forest near your area Jackson, what was it called again? Oh yeah Darlwood. We can film us walking through it. Omg scary! Everyone will freak out if we do something like that! awesome! let's go!"

"Ok!" Everyone agreed except for one. My sister.

"Darlwood! No don't go there! haven't you heard the story! About the Nightmare in Darlwood?"

"Oh shut up Scarlett! We are going whether you like it or not!" I said sternly but the rest of my friends looked interested.

"No no, let her tell the story Alice. Come on" Said Esme so we all sat down and listened.

"So." My little sister began " The nightmare in Darlwood all started when a man around his 30s wanted to get some wood for the fire to keep his house warm so he set off with his wood cutter into the forest. As he got deeper and deeper into the forest, he found a perfect log to cut up. As he was cutting, he heard a noise. Maybe he was just hearing things he thought to himself  but what he didn't know was his son, a little 5 year old had wondered into the forest to find his daddy after having a nightmare. Seeing his dad, he ran up to him and tapped him on the back. His dad, thinking it was a demonic ghost or something span round and sliced right through his sons head with the cutter he was still holding. After that, people say he went mad and went to a mental hospital. Some say he went to prison but I think he is out there in the forest still. Looking for children to cut there head off to replace his sons life. I call him the nightmare man because his son went to him after having a nightmare. Understand why I don't want to go now?"

"Creepy story Scarlett. Made me shiver a bit but I don't believe in all that crap! come on you lot, let's go check it out!" I said.

Those I am afraid to say were the last words I said. We never did leave the forest. I am a prisoner now. As well as Esme, Kaiden and Jackson. I should of listened to my sister really but I didn't and now we join the nightmare man.... tick tock tick tock your time has come to meet the night mare man. Chop....chop.....chop.....

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2014 ⏰

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