Chapter Nine - Shitfaced

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We woke up in the same position the next day. Harry's arms were wrapped around me, my arms wrapped around Harry's. My headache was more or less gone and I didn't feel like throwing up anymore, though I still felt like I was dying. Like my heart was being ripped out of my mouth.

"Are you awake?" I heard Harry whisper. I nodded against his chest. "Are you hungry?" I nodded again, more eagerly this time.

"I'll make us something once I'm awake enough to actually get up." I giggled and nodded once again, now looking up at him. He smiled down at me, a tired smile; his lips were chapped. "Watchu wanna do today?"

I bit my lip and looked away. "I, um, actually have to take care of something. I need to do it alone, can I go out?"

Harry had to say yes. My dad wasn't paying him to keep me out of trouble anymore.

He bit his lip as he stared at me. I looked up at him with sad eyes. He sighed and nodded. "Alright, we can do shit tomorrow then, yeah?" I continued to bite my lip and nodded, staring right into his green eyes. He smiled his big, Cheshire smile and sat up. "Let's go eat then."

We walked down the stairs, me wearing my T-shit that smelled like puke and now, instead of Harry's pants, a pair of shorts; Harry wearing only boxers.

Zayn and Louis were in the kitchen when we walked down, which was weird because they were usually the last to wake up.

"You two are up early," Harry said, smiling at them. They smiled back and nodded, smiling at me as well.

"Good morning to you too, asshole," Louis joked to Harry. "Mornin' Mica," he said, smiling at me carefully, as if terrified if he made the wrong face or said the wrong thing, I'd break. I smiled back, unable to say anything. Zayn gave me a weird look, but he stayed quiet and looked away.

"You two want some cereal?" Louis asked. Harry smiled and nodded, prancing over to the counter to sit next to Zayn. I walked over and sat across from Harry, next to where Louis was sitting just seconds ago.

He came back a few moments later, handing me and Harry a bowl before sitting back down to finish his own. He chatted away with Harry while Zayn and I stayed silent, neither of us seeming as if we had anything to say. Once Zayn had finished, he stood up, put his bowl in the sink, then walked into the living room without another word, without even a second glance. Louis and Harry didn't take much notice, but all I could do was stare at the seat where he was once sat.

After staring at his seat for a minute or so, I got up. Louis and Harry stared at me as I walked into the living room, leaving my not-yet-empty bowl of cereal on the counter.

I walked into the living room to see Zayn sat on the couch, his knee's pulled into his chest. I stared at him as I quietly shut the door behind me. He didn't look up at me, he stared at the wall without moving.

"Zayn," I whispered, walking towards him. I sat down on the couch beside him, wrapping my arm around his shoulder. The minute I had pulled him into me, he was crying into my shoulder. I rubbed his back, muttering for him to "shh" and that it was "all okay".

Although I was currently in the worst mind space I had ever been in, I was still able to sit here and allow Zayn to cry in to my shoulder, I was still able to comfort my friend in a time of need, because these boys were my everything. They were my home, and what's a house without a home?

"Perrie is really sick," he told me, "she's in the hospital, and I'm not able to get back to see her. Not because of you! But I can't get a plane." I sighed, rubbing his back. I was surprised he couldn't get a plane because he is Zayn Malik after all.

"Oh Zayn," I whispered, my heart aching for him. "She'll be alright, okay? I promise she will be alright."

"But what if she-"

"I promise," I cut him off, "and I don't break my promises, Zayn." He stared up at me, nodding. I smiled and kissed his forehead, slowly rubbing my hand up and down his forearm, feeling the goosebumps rise on his skin.

"Love you, Mica," he whispered.

"Love you too, Zayn."


The boys and I watched movies for a good few hours; most of the day, actually. I was cuddling with Harry on the couch, Louis squished in next to us. Niall, Liam an Zayn were all cuddled up on the other couch.

We joked a lot, laughing and smiling at each other. It was all finally back to normal for once; it all felt like I was fourteen again. We weren't sad, we were happy. Joking, smiling, laughing about shit that never mattered. It felt so right and made me so happy.

By seven p.m. though, I knew I had to start getting ready. I told Harry I was gonna go get changed and he nodded, kissing my nose.

I changed into something suitable to actually wear outside; something that was going to keep me warm. I tied my hair up in a pony tail, then cleaned my face a bit and brushed my teeth before putting on some make up. Once I was done and decided I looked decent, I grabbed my bag, stuffing in two six-packs of beer and three bottles of vodka, a baggie of cocaine I kept hidden for a just in case moment, a note pad and a pen, and my phone. I skipped down the stairs, dropping my bag at the door quietly and walking into the living room.

"I'll be back... tomorrow, I think, I'm gonna stay with a friend tonight. Just need a girl right now, y'know?" I said. All the boys turned to me, smiled and nodded, no questions asked. I couldn't not hug them all tightly, kiss their cheeks and tell them I loved them. I sat on Harry's lap and kissed him hard on the lips, which probably surprised everyone as much as it surprised me. Once I pulled back, I leaned my head against his, staring into his eyes and said, "I love you so, so much, okay? See you soon, Harry."

Neither me or the boys said another word as I left. I walked to my car, took my phone out of my bag and climbed into my car. I texted Jacob.

Jacob! Meet me at the warehouse. I need to do some shit and need to get high and shitfaced so come with me!

It was less than a minute later when he texted back.

On my way. Bring the stuff.

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