Niall Imagine for Hannah

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Niall Imagine for Hannah...

            Your life has changed, ever since word got out to the newspapers and media about your relationship with Niall, you’re just friends, very close friends but people don’t understand that. They even had a nickname for you; Hiall. You arrive at work, you love working in Topshop mainly because it’s a chance help people and plus you love the discounts on all the amazing clothes. You walk in and see your best friend Chloe sorting out the clothes, you walk over and tap her shoulder, she turns around and gives you hug and says “well hey there Mrs Hannah Horan, how are you today?” you can’t help but blush “oh shut up, you know were just friends like you and Louis” she laughs and says “yeah we just friends ha-ha, come on you got work to do and remember you’re on a double shift today.” You respond “oh yeah just what I need a double shift on top of revising for my exams in sociology, psychology and English Literature, how’s your revision for psychology Chlo?”  “It’s great to be honest, now get to work, the quicker you start the quicker you go, simples, this is Topshop remember” you laugh and walk away to the employee changing room, you open your locker to find the picture of you and Niall from the first day you met, best day of your life ever! You stare at the picture smiling for two minutes and only get disturbed by your phone vibrating, it scared you to hell, you open the text, it is from Niall “hey there beautiful, can’t wait to see you later xxxx” you text back “hey Irish, I’m sorry I got a double shift today on top of revising for my three exams xxxx you felt guilty for cancelling on him, because he made time to see you. Your phone goes off again and its Niall again, every time he texts, speaks or even crosses your mind you can’t help but smile and sometimes blush “It’s fine, I’m still seeing you either way xxxx” you get scared, you know Niall and his so called surprises to see you. “Ermmm okay then, talk to you later, at work now xxxx”,you text him back. You put your phone in your locker, get out your work clothes, get changed and put your causal clothes in your locker over your phone, shut it and left for work. You could tell this double shift was going to drag, you usually loved work, seeing your best friend and talking to new people, but today, you kept revising in your head and thinking about what Niall said. You ask yourself ‘what on earth could he mean’. You’re interrupted “excuse me but can you tell me where the male baggy jeans are” you hear in a posh accent voice, you turn round to find Louis and Liam behind you with disguises “oh my days what are you doing here you whisper” pulling them to the side. “Follow me” you say and you take them to the changing room. As you enter the employee room you make sure you’re alone and as you do they take their ‘disguises’ (which were a hoodie and a cap, typical them) off. “Niall sent us” Liam says, “to make sure you’re okay before he comes, you see he saw Nando’s and couldn’t help himself” Louis added with a smile and Laugh. Thoughts were racing through your head, “omg he will get crushed, he will get chrostophobic, oh no my poor best boy friend” you accidently let that slip, Liam and Louis are looking at you “he like likes you and you like, like him, what’s stopping you” Louis said “yeah come on you’re good together” Liam added, both of them giving the look (the look they give when they know they’re right) you heard loud screams from outside, you turn a little pale “OMG ITS NIALL, HARRY AND ZAYN” you hear shouting, you run out, “sorry girls I’m hear to see my best friend girlfriend to tell her how I feel about her” you heard in a familiar Irish voice, “Niall” you shout, he sees and hears you, like everyone in the store, they all rush over to you trapping you in a corner, asking you questions, screaming in your face, some make threats “heart Niall and we’ll hurt you”, He heard this, pushed his way through the crowd to you, “hurt her and you’ll hurt me” Niall says as he grabs your arm and pulls you close to him, close enough you can feel his muscles pressed on you to ensure your safety, one hand around you holding you tight to him other pushing through the crowd, behind is Harry and Zayn helping keep the path clear behind, you all finally get in the employee room and barricade the door, Inside you see Louis and Chloe hugging and Liam on the phone for their security and the police to help with this ‘flash mob’. Harry and Zayn stay by the door hold it shut. “This was totally worth seeing you” Niall says laughing and nervously, you can see him smiling at the floor “I love you” he murmured to the floor, “have since the first time I saw you and always will, I know I will, I know you don’t want a lot of fuss and this is a huge risk but I think about you every day, every song I listen to reminds me of you, everything I see reminds me of you and honestly It drives me crazy that your not mine. I text you after you text me so check your phone” you stand their shocked, you slowly walk towards your locker, open it and check your messages “I love you Hannah forever and always xxxx” you cant help but smile, as you look up Niall is walking towards you “so, what happens now?” all you can hear is screaming girls outside and Harry and Zayn screaming trying to keep the door shut but are laughing at the same time. “Okay” you say “okay?” he says wonderingly. “Yes, I feel the same way, I didn’t want to wreck what we had-.” You get interrupted by Niall kissing you slowly and passionately on your lips you can’t help but kiss back, the boys and your best friend are shocked, happy shocked. “It’s about bloody time!” you hear your best friend say, Louis laughed and kissed her. Niall hugs you tight and whispers in your ear “nothing and no one can hurt you while you’re with me, I promise... So lets go we got a lot to do and talk about” you laugh, “I love your laugh” he says while laughing “touché” you respond. Sirens appear outside and five minutes later, it’s clear for you to go, you grab your stuff and head to your beautiful red sports car with Niall “lets go do some revision for then shall we my beautiful baby?” he says as you start the car; “okay then” you respond as you drive off to head home. You get a text off your best friend and Niall reads it out “I’m so happy for you, you don’t understand! FINALLY! Love you lots and have fun ha-ha ;)” you both laugh but you go red and he kisses you on the cheek, photos were being taken when they could see you but you didn’t care you felt like you was on top of the world, had everything you ever wanted or needed. Needless to say the fans nickname for you ‘Hiall’ was news, you were news, good happy news, and this was the beginning of a beautiful life....

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2014 ⏰

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