1. babyhood

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"daddy," jimin calls out quietly.

namjoon looks away from his computer screen and smiles at the endearing sight of jimin in his dinosaur onesie, stuffed bunny in his arms as he sucked away on his thumb.

"good morning, pup," he greets. jimin flashes a big, sleepy smile and namjoon pulls him onto his lap.

jimin lets out a sigh as he rests his head on his daddy's chest, cuddling his bunny closer to his face and namjoon chuckles when the boy grumbles sleepily.

"is gukkie awake?" asks namjoon, and jimin mumbles in response. namjoon taps his little backside to wake him up and the boy jumps and nods slowly into his father's chest. "yeah, he w-woke me up this time,"

just as jimin finishes his statement, jeongguk waddles into the room, rubbing his eyes as he clutches onto his stuffed puppy. the youngest boy was dressed similarly to his older brother, only his onesie was of a bunny.

"mama," the youngest whines, sniffling as he blinked owlishly around the room, eyes still not used to the brightness of daylight.

"oh, come here bunny,"

namjoon smiles at the voice, looking over to where his husband finishes the dishes and wipes his hands.

seokjin walks over to their youngest son and picks him up, setting him on his hip and giving him a kiss on the head.

"hun'ry, mama," jeongguk mumbles around his thumb.

seokjin giggled. when the boys were sleepy their speech delays get stronger and it's when they're the most adorable. he loved when they were like this.

"yes, baby, mama's making num-nums." he whispers back.

jeongguk's eyes widen and his mouth forms an 'o' shape, momentarily letting his thumb fall out of it before he suckles on it again.

"mama's making n-nwum-nwums?" he ask's, voice hushed and quiet as if he and seokjin were speaking of abstruseness.

namjoon smiled widely but kept his eyes on jimin, who tried to balance on his thighs and keep his arms up in the air at the same time. for whatever reason, he doesn't know, but his baby looks adorable right now so he can't say he really cares.

the oldest son snorted at the dumb look on his father's face.

"d-daddy, lookie," he giggles, almost slipping off of namjoon's lap if not for how the 23 year old's dad-stincts, ("it sounds like you're saying your dad stinks," seokjin had laughed, laughed a lot actually, but namjoon didn't care. he was a genius) led him to grab the tiny boy and hold him close to his chest.

"careful," he tuts. jimin just laughs and grabs at his cheeks, pulling at them gently because he could never his daddy.


"m-minnie, daddy! nwum-nwum's!" the youngest calls, still in his mama's arm's but wide awake this time.

jimin cheers, doing a little happy dance and namjoon watches fondly while simultaneously trying not to let him slip and break his tiny neck.



short but sweet, like jimin 💞

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2017 ⏰

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