1 》The Knight in Shining Armour

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The prince, whom had just been in a light slumber, heard a faint scream south of his castle. Instead of asking one of his many knights to deal with the trouble, he made it his duty to figure out what was going on. He walked over to the armour stand and put all of the armour on. As he walked out the door, he saw it. A red-orange flame became visible over the horizon, which could only come from the worst beast the prince could ever imagine. A dragon.

As he approached the flames, he saw a horrendous sight. A young girl locked inside a tower, with a dragon hovering near her window. Seeing this as an opportunity to become a hero (and possibly get laid), the prince shouted, "I shall save you, fair maiden!"

He climbed to the top of the tower, which was surprisingly unlocked, and pushed the girl away from the window, despite her screaming and struggling. It was hard to make out any words in the helmet, so the prince couldn't hear the girl's protests. The prince pulled out his sword and shield and climbed onto the dragon for a better fighting stance. After a while of fighting, the prince finally got to the dragon's heart and the dragon fell to the ground, defeated. He smiled as the girl raced down the stairs of the tower. When she opened the door, she has tears stained on her cheeks.

"What is wrong with you?" She exclaimed.

The prince looked astonished, "What is wrong with me? I just saved you from a locked tower and a dragon!"

"That's my house, you idiot! It wasn't locked. I loved that dragon! He's been my only family for years!" The girl bit her lip to hold back more tears,

"I loved that dragon," she whispered


(A/N: so I decided to make a book for random stories when my ideas don't fit in with the books I already have. I saw this idea on Tumblr so I thought why not write it. That's it for now. Peace out bitches.)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2016 ⏰

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