My Feelings

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Every damn day i feel like this. I feel that nobody cares about me on this fanbase. Not many people talk to me or realize when im gone and not online for a while. I feel like no one really likes me. Thats why i havent been on much lately and of course no one cares anyways. Not many people tweet me.. Look at my followers.. I honestly dont think anyone cares about me. I know it probably sounds like im trying to get attention but im not. I always feel this way, even at school. I always feel left out. None of my "friends" ever text me. Then thered a lot of girls i used to be friends with that are in that huge popular group and i honestly, just dont fit it. It's kind of worthless.. I feel alone. Then my mom gets mad at me and tells me not to talk to her so I sit in my room alone, crying..Then my brothers are sometimes rude. My dad is the only one that seems to be nice to me anymore. So I thank you Dad, from the bottom of my heart, I know you will always be there for me. Im surely a daddys girl! But im also thankful for my mom and brothers. They are always there for me too but right now, they feel invisible. Nobody in my family realizes that I have these feelings. Okay im done with making you all read this. Continue on with your day/night and dont worry about me because no one cares anyways.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2014 ⏰

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