I couldn't resist it

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He always seemed off, even from the very beginning; everything about him screamed "suspicious". I did not understand how everybody just brushed off his presence in the Akatsuki. A  man with seemingly no skill or ability, one who acted like a child, who just appeared in the Akatsuki with no such thing as an explanation, one who wore a mask, who simply laid around and wasted everyone's time. What was his true purpose? Why was he really here? Did the other members know something I didn't? Not even Pein seems to comment on the masked man's antics. I tried my very hardest to decode everything this man said; if any of his actions or movements had a hidden, much more obscure meaning, I found nothing though.

Tobi seemed particularly attached to me, which was pretty surprising considering that he was at Deidara's side 24/7 when he first "joined".  As time passed though, he flocked to me constantly, which is when I started observing and scrutinizing everything he did, given he was around me so often. I played it off like I didn't suspect him at all and treated him like the child he is, or the child he's pretending to be. He enjoyed my company the best I guess, or perhaps he knew I was onto him. I'll never know. 

"Are you okay, pretty senpai?" Oh yeah, he also calls me pretty senpai because I told him to stop calling me by my name out in public, to avoid suspicion, and now I'm stuck with this ridiculous nickname.

"Yeah, I'm fine" I got stuck doing groceries with Tobi, since he isn't really capable of doing anything else, and no other member can stand him, so I was chosen for the job.

"Why do you keep staring at me pretty senpai? Is there something on my face?" he held his hands up to his mask in a flustered manner, he was ridiculous.

"Is there a problem with me staring at you"

"Well... No, pretty senpai but... It makes me nervous!!" he shouted as if he was an embarrassed schoolgirl, in fact, I think I can see a blush on his mask. Must be my imagination, that's not possible.

"How could it make you nervous?"

"Well you're so pretty and attractive, it makes me self-conscious when you stare at me!" I noticed he also dropped the 3rd person pronouns whenever he talked to me, which was a relief, to say the least. 

"If you say so" I ended the conversation there before he got too touchy-feely like he's done before whenever he compliments me. His comments do make me embarrassed, but I try to ignore them as best as I can.

"Ooooh! Look at that, pretty senpai!" was the only thing I heard from Tobi before he ran into an alleyway.

"T-Tobi! Don't just run off like that!" I groaned to myself as I rushed after him. Immediately after that, I was slammed against the wall of the alleyway. I winced from the impact and slowly opened my eyes to see the wretched little bastard who made me run in here to begin with.

"What the hell are you doing, you bastard?!" I barked at him furiously, I knew he wasn't all smiles and rays of sunshine! I knew it!

"Just showing my growing interest for you..." the voice that came out of him took me by absolute surprise, it was deep, dark, and just absolutely chill-inducing. I shuddered once I looked into his one visible eye and seeing the Sharingan. I snapped my eyes shut in a panic.

"You... You're a...." My breathing hastened as he chuckled darkly. He leaned in slowly and whispered.

"You're a smart one aren't you? You've suspected me from the moment I set foot in the Akatsuki. I like you, so if you can keep some secrets, I'll spare you and we can have fun together" He started taking off his mask as I gasped in confusion.

"W-what? Just like that? There must be a catch!" I started looking at the little bit of his face that he revealed in a panic. Just his lips. He chuckled again and licked them, and I suddenly became conscious of the position we were in. Me trapped against the wall as he was leaning over me, and closer by the second. In a blink of an eye, he closed the space between us and gave me a long, heated kiss.

He said nothing more afterwards, he simply went back to his childish attitude and assured me I'd know more with time. I didn't even argue against this as we carried on like nothing happened, except he became a lot more touchy-feely and kept declaring us as a couple.

I couldn't resist the mystery that hung around this man.

I couldn't resist it.

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