The Unforgiving Ring: Introductions Are Everything

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Bell 1.

Bell 2.

Bell 3.

Repentance was always annoying. A constant ringing that while you would like it to end, It doesn't. It has to get the last word in.  Ah, Who am I? Why, I'm your faithful narrator, giving you a picky insight to the thoughts, feelings, gritty actions of our heroine and heroiness. Granted, that last one isn't a real title, and they are anything less than heroes, but maybe to themselves they found what they needed before the end of this story catches up to them. Hm? What's that? Ah, right, who are these self proclaimed heroines? Well, Ill leave those bells at the end of their chime, we'll come back to them. Allow me to first introduce you to Isabelle, one of the few 270 individuals who are deemed 'clean' by the head of the council, to walk and live in the streets of Ambrosia. I'm not here to give you a pamphlet, so my explanations will be brief. Ah, Actually. Why don't I let her do all the talking for me?

Isabelle - Ambrosia

It was like any other normal day, really.  I head to classes, go home and visit my Papa and my little siblings, head to work, and walk down 5th street to cross through the Southport alleyways to cut quick to campus before they shut the gates. Oh, How rude, My name's Isabelle. Isabelle Ramirez. This little city filled with simple streets, one singular campus and 5 work port stations is Ambrosia. Our city and its Council are one of the 3 leading cities to begin ban on freak populations. By freak, I mean the ones who morph. Can change their bodies into any creature of harm. Breeding of clean humans and Morphers was the first to go, I was born right after that legislation was passed, my mother died round then too. The second one to pass was their complete extermination. Anyone with links to a morpher and the morpher are to be killed, to gently put it. Of course with such a thing, the taboos are created and the playground stories are shared. Papa always tells us that there's a city beneath the cobblestone, Ambridge, filled with the meanest and deadliest of creatures and the dirtiest humans. Now that I'm older, he gets uneasy with that story, never able to finish it and leaves me to tell my siblings. He's getting old, so I don't blame him.  Now, As I stand at the street corner of 5th and Main, I could only help myself a glance to a nearby sewer port cover. Could such a thing be true? Or simply an old wives tale? Heh, Certainly not. The Council would never permit such a thing to go on. And with that dismissed, I walked the crosswalk, took a left, and headed through the back alleys for the campus I currently call home.

Wives tale? Oh, I'm laughing. How horrendously oblivious. Well, isn't she just a doll? Talks a lot, but doesn't repeat herself, So I can stand her. Suppose I have to, really. I'm the narrator of her story. Am I really narrating though? I think I'm just a quirky commentator. Oh, well. I can narrate later. Onto our next "heroine", an arrogant piece of walking talking pretty boy shit named Haru Yoshimura. A dirty human, somehow managing to live in the Chinatown province in an empty apartment waiting for rent. Can you tell I don't like him all that well? Oops, how rude of me.

Haru - Ambrosia/Ambridge

That damn ringing, its always in my head now. Its what I get for being down there so much. But, I have a debt, So I cant just not show. I like living, thank you very much. Well Howdy, pretty little lady reading, My names Haru, don/t forget it. And if this is her muscular 7ft tall boyfriend, I'm Haru Yoshimura, I'll be leaving. If you can't already tell by my cool demeanor and the way I talk, I'm not welcomed in Ambrosia. I'm considered "dirty", therefore I can't get a job, and therefore I can't afford Cleansing. Politics, right? So, what's a handsome broke sonuvabitch gotta do without money? Why, hide out in an unbought apartment room in Chinatown where the Chinks can barely see me and run errands and be the poster boy for an illegal fighting ring. Fun, right? Yeah, well, not when I'm in debt with the lead boss fighta'. I've been hiding upside lookin' for somebody, ANYBODY, to break out in a pox or some shit so I can grab em and enlist em to be my fighting partna'. And by that, I mean throw them into a ring for them to fight to the death against the rowdy rough boys down unda', and bet on the clear winner to earn me some dough. It's cruel but its a livin'.  Now, I gotta sense for this freak thing. I'm not sure what it is, but underground a person could look totally normal, but have this..scent about em. Does that make sense? I could pick an unmorphed morpher out of a lineup-...And speak of the devil. I stepped out onto the fire escape, as the window is always open, and leaned over the railing. A girl was walking by, I've seen her cut through a couple a times, long bouncy brown hair, medium skin, probably Latino. Great butt, let me tell yah. Is she bein' followed? I don't understand. Where's the smell comin' from? But as I slowly begin to realize there's no one but her? Oh, I understand completely. Cha Ching.

And so, our story will begin, dear readers, on the exit note of a chimp who thinks with his lower extremities and his extreme thirst for green paper, and the blind innocence of a home girl devoted to kindness and her studies.

But do remember. The path to glory is not always filled with glitz and glamour. Not in this one.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2016 ⏰

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