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The dark streets, worn buildings, half torn sidewalks, and crumbling asphault weren't walked on as often as they once had been.  It had been 40 years since the Pestilence came.  Half the human population across the world has died, and most of the governments of the world has toppled.  Only one was left standing, and the ruler claimed the world.  He sent out his military across the world to the seven continents, well equipped, well trained, and vaccinated.  With the might of the military formed from the scraps of leftover governments, the Emperor had seized power.  And he used that power to his advantage, killing off those who he saw as a threat.

Now, all that was left standing were the people of this empire, and it's military.

The military started killing people suspected of carrying the Pestilence at the midpoint of the Emperor's rule.  The only thing that could stop him was a mystical couple, only heard of in legends.  There would be an Achilles, and a beautiful mage to guide him.  Together, they'd stop the Emperor's rule, one step at a time.

General Jackson was the leader of the Military Regime of the World.  He made his soldiers kill many, many people, sick or otherwise.  He ordered the execution of anyone in the Rebel Faction.  

The Rebels were just a bunch of people leading a gang, wanting power for themselves.  They constantly harass citizens for their money.  They kidnap their children, and go as far as beating and raping them.

The Emperor dies years later, and his son, who was in the Military Regime of the World, was the new Emperor.

A seventeen year old caucasian and blue eyed man named Jack wore torn jeans, a loose white shirt, some pretty worn socks, and sneakers, walked the dark streets.  He had red marks visible on his arms, and even more-so on his stomach and back.  He was born with them.  He was walking the dark streets.  Everyone who did lived in fear of their surroundings, wondering if the next person to sneeze would be around them.  Almost all the hispanic and african males were safe, until they sneezed, coughed, had signs of a rash, or had dilated pupils.  Everyone was treated equally in this world.  They all died almost the same ways.  It was either the Pestilence, or a gunshot.  Jack knew he couldn't get the Pestilence.  And he wasn't afraid of the Military either.

As Jack turned the corner of this last block, he saw an execution taking place.  There were three people, facing him.  The one that caught his eye was his african friend, Robert.  He wore glasses, an orange shirt, some silk shorts that he had scavenged, and some old and worn sneakers.  He was on his knees, like the rest of the accused.  The four Military men facing the three told them to turn, and they did.  One of the men shot all three in the back of the head.  The first one was Robert.

Jack looked away from the horror, and walked calmly to the nearby forest that lay untouched.  There was no need for deforestation now, because anyone who could build and repair was dead.  All the factories were shut down as well.

It was a cloudy day, so it was naturally dark in the forest when Jack finally reached it.  He went deeper and deeper in there until he knew he wouldn't be heard, and sat by a nearby tree.

"Everything is falling apart!"  He screamed.  "Everyone I know and love are dead, every last fuckin' one of 'em!  Gah!"  He then hugged his knees and cried, his tears staining his jeans.

Minutes later, a girl came by.  She was fair-haired, and wore a tank top.  She had jeans on as well, but were only faded and tore at the bottom.  She had green eyes and wore flat boots, which were military-grade.  She hesitated, but then said "Are you alright?" In a compassionate tone.

It took Jack only a second to respond, and he held back the tears.  "Oh, nothing much, just visiting my friend Treeman.  He knows how to bring emotions into people."

The girl, who was the same age as him, smiled and giggled quietly.  "I'll bet," She said.  She went close to him and sat by him.

"Yeah, and you know, he's sometimes a bit hard-headed."  Jack smiled at his own comment and looked to her.  "You're a pretty girl.  What's your name?"

She looked at Jack for a moment, blank faced.  She then smiled again.  "It's Case.  And yours?"


"Well, Jack, you're a handsome guy."  She got up.  So did Jack.

"Thanks.  What are you doing out here anyway?"

"I live out here."

"I have nowhere to go.  Everyone I know is either Military or dead."

She let out sparks of electricity at the word 'military'.  She then realized she was doing it, and ran.  Jack ran after her.  "Wait!"  She then halted.  He went to her and hugged her.  "You shoot electricity..."

"Don't touch me...  You could be dangerous..."

"I'd probably be fried chicken by now if I was."

"True...  Alright.  I control electricity.  And if you have nowhere to go, you can come with me to my-  Oh shit, my squirrel!"

"I assume that your squirrel isn't a pet...  Let's go."

They both ran, with Jack following her.  They went to the camp, which used to be a bricked-up garden.  The Military was here as well, and they were armed.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2014 ⏰

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