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Lauren always felt comfortable when she was with Lucy, she loved spending time with her best friend. But lately she's felt like her friend was slipping away, like Lucy didn't want to be around her and that broke her heart, so she decided to talk to her she need answers.

"Lucy can we talk" Lauren asked.

The brunette sighs "Lauren not now. I'm busy" she says coldly.

Lauren furrowed her eyebrows together she didn't understand "why won't you talk to me? You've been avoiding me for week" she states.

Lucy huffed "seriously Lauren just leave me alone" she spat.

The green eyed girl frowned when she heard that "Luce did I do something to upset? Because if I did I'm very sorry" she says.

Lucy glared at her "for the last time go away Lauren! I don't want to see you anymore!"

A tear ran down Lauren's cheek when she heard that. She didn't understand why her friend was so mad at her. She didn't know what she did to anger Lucy so much "I-I'm sorry. I'll uh I'll just be going now" she mumbled quietly before leaving Lucy's apartment with tears running down her face, her heart was broken.


It's been two weeks since Lauren was kicked out of Lucy's apartment she was still hurt by that. She didn't understand why her friend was being so cold towards her. She didn't know what she did.

Lucy on the other hand was miserable. She didn't understand why she kicked out Lauren. Ok that was a lie, she did know but she didn't want to accept the fact that she was in love with her best friend, so she pushed her away and she now regretting it.

Lucy sat at lunch and rolled her eyes when she saw Lauren walk in with Camila. It wasn't that she didn't like the girl, it's just she didn't like how clingy she was with Lauren. It broke her heart when she heard people say that they would make the perfect couple. She didn't want Lauren to date Camila, she wanted Lauren to date...her. Lucy sighs before going back to playing with her food.

"So did you hear about Lauren and Camila" Vero asked Lucy.

The brunette furrowed her eyebrows "what about them" she asked.

Vero smiles "Camren's real!"

Lucy's heart shattered when she heard that. She was too late. She lost the love of her life because she was too scared to admit her feelings and now Lauren's dating someone else. Someone that's not...her.

"Uh I-I have to go!" Lucy grabbed her things before running out of the cafeteria with tears in her eyes.

Across the cafeteria Lauren saw Lucy run out and just couldn't help but run after. She ignored Camila calls of her to stay as she made her way towards the exit. Stepping into the hallway she heard Lucy's soft whimpers and sobs, it broke her heart to her the girl she loved so much crying.

"L-Lucy are you ok" she asked softly.

Lucy rolls her eyes "just go away Lauren. You're honestly the last person I want to see right now."

Lauren frowns "why are you pushing me away? What did I do" she asked curiously.

"Just leave me alone Lauren! Just go back to your fucking girlfriend and leave me alone!"

Lauren's eyes grew wide. Lucy never yelled at her like that "Luce what's wrong? Why are you so mad at me?" She was confused she didn't understand why her best friend was so mad at her.

Lucy sighs "Lauren just leave. I don't want you around" she says.

Lauren sighs as she took a step forward "no I'm not leaving until you tell me what's wrong" she states.

Lucy was getting annoyed with the Latina so she yelled, "I'm in love with you Lauren! I'm in love with you but you're in love with someone else!" She sighed "now that you know you can leave and go back to your little girlfriend and forget about me. Just move on with your life" she mumbles.

Lauren was stunned when she heard Lucy's confession "you're in love" The brunette nods "why didn't you tell me" she asked.

"Because I knew that you wouldn't feel the same away" Lucy mumbled.

Lauren couldn't help but giggle "well that's silly because I'm sure that I've been dropping hints since it first met you" she says. Lucy looked up at Lauren and scrunched up her eyebrows " like me" she questioned. Lauren nods "but you're dating...Camila" she mumbled. Lauren huffs "no I'm not. That's just a stupid rumor that was spread by Brad because he was mad about me rejecting him" she says.

Lucy looked up at her "a-are you sure?" The green eyed girl nods again as she steps forward "I'm very sure. I like you Lucy...I always have" she spoke softly. Lucy couldn't hold back anymore and just went for it. She kissed Lauren and it felt great. She felt spark shooting all through her body and it felt wonderful.

When they pulled away they both had silly smiles on their faces "Lucy will be my girlfriend" Lauren asked. Lucy giggles and nods before pulling Lauren in for another kiss. She finally got the girl of her dreams.

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