The blue mermaid

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Rumours were saying that not far off coast from where you are living; live off a beautiful mermaid. A very beautiful mermaid.
Well not far from your house; maybe it's pretty far since it's a sea/beach, you live in a condo.

Hm, usually you had no interest in this kind of thing but mermaid? Rumours says she's beautiful. You are curious but does mermaid really do exist? Thoughts are filling you in your mind.

"Im really curious. I shall go after school tomorrow." You got up and went down to eat dinner.  You breath in and out. "Mum, I will be slightly late home tomorrow, I have something on after school." Of course you lied but if you told her, will she believe? She will just say it's rumours as people said so.

Your mum nod which mean it's a yes. You quickly finish up your food and head back up to your room and rest for the night.

Tomorrow came. You got up your usual timing, brush teeth, shower and get change, grab your school bag and heed downstairs to eat your breakfast. As usual you also quickly finish your breakfast and head off to school. "Mum im going off now! See you later!"

"Take care, (y/n)!" Your mum shouted as you heed off and wave. You arrive school 8 mins early. "Huh..guess I'm quite early..hehe" You mumble to yourself. Soon most or almost all students came and so your class. Then everyone gather to their seat. The teacher came in afterwards and everyone stand greet. (I'm lazy to type out the class president etc xD) "Ok class I'm going to take attendance now." Ms (n/oc)* said.

(* name of choice)

"Alright, that's good, no one is absence. Now then we'll start class." And so on.

-Time skip-

After school. You quickly pack your bag fast, rash to the locker and change your shoe and ran to the not far off coast beach. But to your surprise, you saw nothing, just like a normal beach with people and etc. "Aw...maybe it's really just a rumour, huh.." You sigh in awe and sat down on the sand, looking up to the almost-orange warm color sky.

You just sat there doing nothing. I mean maybe she will come out at night? Since there'll be less people and vice versa? Soon the skies turning dark, nights coming. "Let's hope this is true, I wanna see her so badly I mean I'm not into this kind of things but what if the rumours were true? What if she's really beautiful and does actually exist in this world? You are so very curious thus why you plan to stay.

"She's really not coming out..." You sigh in awe again and got up, turning to your back which is facing the sea now. By now, lots of people have left already, they need to get back either to cook, do chores, homework and stuff? So now the beach aren't have many people, so perhaps she can come out now?
As you were about to leave, you heard splashing sound.

"!" You quickly turn around. "Is it her- aw, there's no-" But quickly your jaw drop because she really DOES exist! She was jumping up beautifully and back into the sea, But thankfully no others seen that or her. You don't care about your shoe or socks as you have spare ones, you just quickly ran over closer into the sea, walking in not deep, probably until around your knee area? "Come out, I know you're here, don't be scared, I won't hurt you." You said in a light and kind tone, you don't wanna hurt her and scare her don't you?

She pop her head out a little. Your eyes widen. She's really beautiful. Jaw drops a little. "Um.." She spoke in a small nervous tone. "A-ah..I'm sorry..for staring at you like are just too beautiful.." You smile gentle. She look down and her cheeks flush up a bit. "Y-you seem like a nice person..l-let's meet here tomorrow.." She smile at you gentle. Her smile is so pure and beautiful, almost as if you're in love.

You, of course nod your head. "I'll see you tomorrow after school, same place. Nice to meet you, beautiful blue mermaid~" You smile widely. "Ah before I forget my name is (l/n)/(f/n)~ Bye bye~" You turn around and got up to the sand and wave goodbye and so did she.

"Mum! I'm sorry if I'm a little late!" You sat the doorway and remove your wet shoe and socks and bring them to the bathroom. "Whoa, (f/n), did you just went into the sea?" "E..ehehe.." Your mum just laugh and put the dinner at the table. "Alright, go shower and come dinner!" "Yes, mum!" You put the socks into wash, dry your shoe and get new clothes and etc and heed to  shower.

As soon as you're done with everything you heed down and eat dinner before going back up to study a little bit and thinking about the mermaid early. You smile and giggle. 'She's really beautiful...I'm almost like as if really in love with her..even though she's a mermaid and a woman...' You shake off those thoughts and continue to study and then off to bed.

As usual you do your daily routine of school and went to the beach but this time slightly later bout' evening. "Beautiful mermaid, I'm here~" You then go down to the water again but this time not too deep and there she appear. This time round you both talk about random stuff and etc and about mermaid and human live. You both talk as if really close friend-like already.

She smile. "I haven't introduce my name to you. My name is Marina.." (Thank you to rraditha for telling me!) You smile back too. "That's a cute name!" She giggled. "You think so?" You nod. "Um!" She then clench her hand together tightly. "Actually..I want to tell you something..but will you still say I'm beautiful? If I tell you the truth?"

You nod. "Yes, you are beautiful no matter what. So what is it that you want to tell me?" You smile. "A..actually it's a big not a female..I'm actually a male mermaid.." Your eyes widen. This can't be right? "B..but you are so beautiful..." He nod slightly and talk in a slightly more low tune. "I was born this way, I had long blue hair..It's weird..isn't it?" You shake your head. "Nope. I think it's very interesting and beautiful."

"R..really?" You nod. "Yes." You thought: 'oh so for a while time now I've been in love with a male mermaid? phew at least it's not a female! I don't have to go gay!' (X'D sorry-)" Both of you just stare into each other's eyes, doing nothing but cheeks were flashing. "If only I can go underwater with you..." "Yes you can of course!" Shou said and swim underneath to grab some seaweed. "Eat this and you can swim and breath underwater~"

You blink. "R..really? I guess it won't hurt.." You then eat the one whole piece of seaweed and go underwater and indeed you ARE breathing. "Wow..I actually breath a..and talk?!" Marina giggled. "I told you. Now shall we swim and explore together, my beautiful princess?" He then reach his hands out and you took his and off you both went.

-To be continue-

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2017 ⏰

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