Got tagged

16 1 7

I got tagged by EnergyWafflez so now i answer questions! Yay? XD

1. What did you like on 2016?
A. New Pokemon season, the new star wars movie

2. What did you not like in 2016?
A.the presidential election, no mans sky,  some internet  trends and a bunch of awesome people die-ing

3.will you miss  2016?
A. Absolutely not, not in a million years  

4.what is one thing your exited exited about?
A. As in  what are you exited about in 2017?  Well possibly new games, tv shows and star wars episode 8!

5.which year did you like better 2015 or 2016?
A. 2015

6. What was your favourite trend?
A. Dont have one

6.fave event?
A. I don't know

Ok i tag kotak13
Septic-Mork  and starwar123


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