Don't worry, I'm here to stay

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Name: (y/n) Uchiha

"Whoa look at her go!! Go (y/n)!!" Tatsuki screamed cheering you on .

"We just eneded soccer practice but she still has so much energy to scream... man that's really some stamina she's got huh Sado?" Ichigo asked staring at his best bud, Sado who seemed to be captivated by you , replying Ichigo with a "hmm.."

You were the vice captain of the basket ball team, in fact you're the only girl in the team. You are one of the popular students in school not just cause you were really cute and sporty, but also because you always had a smile on your face, a smile that can melt the hearts of many.

"Whoo!! go (y/n) san!!! you can do it!!"
"God look at her move, she's so graceful!!"
"Her moves are amazing!!"
Yes, you have fan boys that come to cheer for you when you were practicing. You turned your head, giving then a smile of appreciation , then you spotted Ichigo,Sado and Tatsuki waving at you. Your smile widened and you waved back.

Sado had a faint blush as he saw you smile and wave at their direction. Ichigo seemed to noticed and gave Sado a pat on the back, "You should tell her how you really feel before one of those fanboys over there do." Sado nodded, turning his attention back to you.

"Uchiha fukotaichou!" one of your team mates shouted. you realize that there was an incoming ball, you back flipped catching it while landing perfectly.

"Whoo!!!! " the crowd was screaming for your amazing comeback.

"Uchiha! focus on the game!" your coach yelled. you gave a sheepish smile and apologized .

-after practice-

"Hey guys! why are you all here ?" you asked as you made your way to the gang.
"We came to support you of course! You were amazing!!" Tatsuki exclaimed as she gave you a big hug .
"Thanks!" you said grinning.
You did your routine bro fist with Ichigo while Sado patted your head telling you a job well done. You just grinned in return.

"I'm burned out! lets go home guys!" you said as all of you made your way to your lockers to grab your things.

All of you parted ways at the gate, Ichigo and Tatsuki went to the left while Sado and you went to the right.

"How was soccer today?" you asked Sado who seemed more quiet than his usual self.
"It was alright..." he replied before you had a chance you reply a loud rumble could be heard from Sado. You giggled as you saw Sado flustered by his growling stomach .
"Wanna grab a bite Sado kun?" you asked between giggles. He just nodded adverting his gaze from yours. You thought you saw a little blush creeping up his face.

As you guys made your way to a small fast food restaurant you both usually go to, Sado went to the convenience store to get some water. You were waiting outside dribbling your basket ball when you loss control of it and it bounced to hit a guy. You ran towards the group apologizing as you took your ball.

"What do you think you're doing, hitting our boss with that stupid ball of yours?!" one of the guys with blue hair shouted glaring at you.
"Hey, that's no way to treat a lady." one of the guys stepped out, he had blue eyes and blond hair. Realizing that he was the guy you hit, you bowed apologizing once more.The blonde smirked , " You're pretty cute, I guess I can forgive you but you have to spent the night with me." You immediately shot up staring at him as he winked at you. You took a step back , "aww
Come now don't be shy." The blonde said as he reached out to grab you. You cursed to yourself, you could try to fight but there were too many of them.

Before the blonde could even touch you, another hand grabbed him by the wrist, flinging him away like a speck of dust. The rest of the guy ran to the blondes side to see if he was alright .

You looked up to see who your savior was , it was Sado who was staring at you so intently as if you would disappear if he took his eyes off you. You stared into his eyes, eyes that contained worry, shock and so much affection and those eyes were staring Into yours.
Before you had the opportunity to thank him a pole struck Sado
On the head causing blood to trickle down his forehead.But instead of falling to the ground he endured the pain and fought back. Every time he was struck with a blow, he looked at you as if you were his only hope. Once he got a glance at you, he fought back with greater determination, determination to protect you.

Seeing him in so much pain you snapped out of the trance you were in . You took a metal pole you found and joined Sado in the fight. you weren't an Experienced fighter like he was but you had good reflexes which gave you the upper hand.
Soon the enemies were all lying on the ground, injured and unable to continue leaving you and Sado to be the only two standing. You ran to his side to check if he was alright. You grabbed his hand bringing him to park nearby with benches so you could tend to his wounds.

"I'm really sorry that I got you into a fight Sado kun." you apologized while bandaging his head. Sado didn't reply but stared at you lay the final layer of bandage.
"Are you alright? say something, anything !" you were tearing up , you were worried sick.

Sado pulled you into a hug, you felt warm arms wrapped around your body, you felt so safe in those arms.
"I love you, (y/n) chan..." Sado whispered in your ear. You pulled away staring at him as if he'd loss his mind.
"Wha...what..?" you mustered to say as you blushed like there was no tomorrow .
"You told me to say something didn't you?" Sado said as he adverted his gaze, blushing.

"Yeah.. I did... but I didn't think..." you stared at him shocked , unsure of what to say.
"I always had, since we first met... I don't think I'm good enough for you, neither do I think you'd like me back the same way but, I want you to know that I'll always be there for you." This time Sado turned to face you, waiting for you to reply him, that you didn't feel the same way, that you couldn't see you two being more than friends but instead, you hugged him .
He was shocked and couldn't move, he didn't understand what was going on. when you released him, you gave him a peck on the cheek which was followed by a heart warming smile.

"I always thought I was the one that wasn't good enough for you." you said as you smiled at him. A smile that caused his heart to throb. He quickly pulled you into an embrace, holding onto you as if scared that if he let go you'd leave him behind. You understood that of course, he gave you that same hug when you were kids, the hug that was followed by, "please don't leave me, (y/n) chan..."

You smiled remembering how cute he was when he was younger and how handsome he was now.
"Don't worry Sado kun, I'm here to stay." you said hugging him back.

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