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Chris pov
"Carflo were are you carflo
Come on wear are at." (as i see he's dead laying next to me and a pink hair school girl but how am I seeing this.)"chris chris come see what I did" that voice
Ahh I looked around the camp site see my freind or what he called me his prisoners im guessing he used to be in the guard,but I'm not sure if he is the only person. I meet, wait is he human he wears that mask and I can't believe I haven't thought of that well it almost morning I guess ill get some food going.
The guy in the mask pov
I see that weird guy just fixing breakfast "hey puri puri bro want some bacon and eggs"his said excitedly
"First what is puri puri bro and sure"I nervously ask. "Well it's like your part of my faim/group"He answer happily
"Nope your my prisoner and do thing i say and that's final" i said. "Well no bacon for you"he add trumping his command
"But im hungry so give a couple"i said
"Then are we friends who work together" he said with his hand out
"Deal"i replied even know he will be my secret prisoners

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