Walk A Mile In My Shoes (I Dare You)

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I dare you to walk  in my shoes

And live my life, understand my wants my needs, and my views

Feel my pain and have to live every day afraid to go outside

I dare you to keep yourself locked away from other's emotions, and lurk in darkness and hide

I dare you to walk in my shoes

Living unhealthy and depressed, and not knowing how to change it or what to do

Constantly rising then falling, like a roller coaster that never ends

I dare you to live a life getting close to people then break away and end up without any friends

I dare you to walk in my shoes

To live scared, dazed and confused

To be lost, hurting, and bruised

I dare you to have my mind

To be able to see other peoples secrets before they tell you, wishing you were blind

I dare you to feel the depths of my emotions and try and control the rising tide

I dare you to look others eye to eye as they ask you, "How are you" as you feel shame and not pride

I dare you to walk in my shoes

To understand my wants, my needs, and my have to's

I dare you to take a challenge you couldn't imagine you'd ever see

I dare you, for one day, to be me

 "Nobody can truly understand the depths of another person unless they were to live their life, and be them. To... Walk a mile in their shoes, so to speak and see what they see and feel what they feel. Its easy to judge what we don't understand. Its easy to understand if we don't judge." - Han_Man

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