Sleep talk

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Ship: Yoonmin
Theme: Fluff
Warnings: None

Yoongi's P.O.V.

He looks so peaceful and pure, my own angel.

Jimin had fallen asleep an hour ago, I couldn't sleep. The only sound in the quiet night was the few cars passing by our apartment. I'm just laying beside Jimin hearing his soft snoring.

The clock shows 02:23am.

Jimin starts moving to find a good position, when he opens his eyes. "Yoongi, why aren't you asleep?" He says, his voice raspy. "Can't sleep." He opens his arms and I gladly cuddle up with him. We stay like that for awhile, when he suddenly speaks up. "I love you so much, Yoongi" He peaks my cheek. "I..I love you more " I say as I play with our his small hands.

The clock shows 03:43am.

Jimin's P.O.V.

"Do you want to marry me?"
*Soft snores*
He fell asleep, well I guess it is for the greater good.
Now I can ask him properly, later today when we are going to the expensive restaurant.
"Happy 6th years anniversary, my love" I whisper as I slowly let sleep consume me.

You're my everything, my life, my world, my first love.

A/N: I know short but I wrote this at 02:00am and couldn't sleep so the thought just came to me. I hope you like it.

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