Nowhere Left to Run

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"Please understand, Bella," my dad said while tying my hands together.

"Understand what? Understand that my dad is giving me to a different gang to get my brother back from them even though I've never wanted to be part of your stupid business? Hmm yeah, I completely fucking understand," I said while turning away from him and rolling my eyes. He walked away and closed the door, not saying even one word back to me. Not one "I love you" or "I'm sorry" or even a goodbye. 

I sat there for a good half an hour waiting for the new people to pick me up. I couldn't call them captors when my family willingly handed me over to them. Footsteps began to stomp up the metal steps and muttered voices echoed around the empty warehouse. I imagined my dad and his guys, the boys I had grown up with, busting in for a sneak attack but nothing came as two young guys walked in. I refused to make eye contact with them as they knelt down and untied me. 

"What? You don't think I'm going to run away?" I asked with bitterness dripping from every word as I watched them work to remove the restraints.

"No. What do you have left to run to? Your family abandoned you," one guy said while rolling his eyes. His honesty burned, but he was right. Even if I could outrun two guys with guns, where would I go?

"Dude, shut up. She's obviously having a shitty night."

"And she's hot," the other guy added with a smirk. 

"Fuck off, Hunter. We're supposed to pick her up and bring her to Evan," the first guy muttered while helping me stand up and leading me out to the car. I got into the back seat as the two guys got into the front seat. The car ride felt long and I eventually fell asleep but was woken up as they pulled up to the gates of a large house. He pressed a code into the keypad on the wall of the gate before driving through the slowly opening gates. 

"Should we wake her up?" Hunter asked while opening the backseat door. I kept my eyes shut tight.

"Nah, I'll text Evan and see what he wants us to do," the other guy said while pulling out his phone. A man walked out of the house quickly. 

"Sorry, Evan, we were just texting you," Hunter stuttered. I wanted to gag. Evan Fabrizio was the scum of the earth. He and his brother both were known for their horrendous personalities and violent tendencies. 

"Shut up. You're gonna wake her up," Evan barked quietly. I felt him pick me up and start carrying me into the house. I wanted to protest and shove him away but his arms were wrapped protectively around me and I was too tired to fight anymore. After walking up a flight of stairs and down a hallway, he set me on a bed, covered me with a blanket, then left. I almost immediately got up and peeked out into the hallway. He was talking to his dad, Al, the man who had killed some of my dad's men, including my uncle. 

"Hunter and Jay got her here safely. She's sleeping in my room right now. I thought it was better than Grace's suggestion of the basement," he said with a slight laugh. 

"I heard she's a handful," Al chuckled, "we'll break her." 

"Dad, she didn't resist them at all. Can we just let her be? Her dad abandoned her," Evan said defensively with a sigh.

"You need to toughen up," Al scoffed. Evan didn't say anything and just stood there silently. 

"Go to bed. We'll talk in the morning. Hopefully, she doesn't get upset when she finds you sleeping next to her," he said with a laugh.

"Yeah, most girls aren't," Evan said with a smile before beginning to turn around.

I scoffed before running back to the bed and getting under the blankets. Evan sighed and closed the bedroom door behind him. He pulled off his shirt and changed into boxers before getting into bed next to me. 

"Who do you think you are?" I scoffed while turning over to face him. He looked at me in shock, obviously not expecting me to be awake let alone confront him.

"Excuse me?" he asked with a laugh. 

"You heard me. Who do you think you are? I don't care how great you think you are or how many girls you've slept with! Be a decent person and give a girl some space," I snapped. 

"Jesus Christ," he muttered. I stood up and grabbed a pillow and the blanket before laying on the ground. The ground felt rough against my skin as I tried to get comfortable which seemed highly impossible. I got back up and laid in a nearby chair before falling asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2019 ⏰

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