Wombostick's Grudge

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What happens to those Pokemon you lose when you restart a game..? You have to sacrifice at least one, right?

Wombostick the Banette ♂ level 50

I was ready to restart Pokemon Platinum. I had borrowed this copy from a friend, and since he was just going to sell it when I gave it back, I figured I could play through it again just for fun. I traded over all the good Pokemon and items to one of my own games, all except for 6 "dummy Pokemon". They weren't anything important, a couple of Pidgey and Bidoof, things of that nature. The only decent thing I had left was a Banette nicknamed "WOMBOSTICK" that my friend had on there. With a brief feeling of guilt, I held down the buttons on the start menu and watched as the screen turned blue. It made sure I knew what I was doing, and I did, hitting "Yes" and watching the extremely slow text "Deleting save data..." display itself across the screen. I laughed at the fact it asked so many times "do you really want to delete your data? It can't come back once it's gone." I knew what I was doing.

Or, so I thought.

After about 5 minutes or so, the data was deleted and I was ready to begin my new adventure through the Sinnoh region. It had been quite a while since I had played through any of the Sinnoh games, my most recent being Diamond. I was so ready to relive my first ever Pokemon game!

I went through the intro, as to really get the feel of starting a brand-new journey. I got toward the end of the intro when something caught my attention. Behind Cyrus was a weird black patch of pixels. They seemed to shape something, but the scene went by too fast for me to get a clear look, so I shrugged it off. Maybe it was meant to be there and I just didn't remember. What I didn't realize was that it was a sprite of a Banette.

Professor Rowan began his normal speech. "Welcome the world of Pokemon" blah blah blah.... After some A button mashing, he asked me to touch the button on the Poke Ball below. So, I got my stylus and did as he asked. The Pokemon that popped out was a Sentret. That was weird, usually it was some cute Pokemon from the region the game takes place in. Sentret was from Johto. Oh well.

I continued playing, nothing too exciting. I named my rival "Gary" because I lacked creativity at this point. I just wanted to play my game. So, Gary was trying to get me to go into the tall grass. When the professor stopped us just in time, of course. He scolded us to not do such things without a Pokemon. Though, what he said surprised me a little. "You two are young fools." I didn't remember him being so harsh. Well, I chose my starter, Chimchar, and was on my way.

Nothing weird happened since that odd beginning. I played through, beating the gyms and fighting team Galactic. Before I knew it, I was on my way to Mt. Cornet for the final showdown. Time to save the world again. I made my way through the path I had memorized through previous games, beating every grunt who challenged me. My team was getting pretty good at this point, with my Infernape leading the way.
I made my way to the peak, and battled Mars and Jupiter. When I got the cutscene with Giratina, I had forgotten how legitimately creepy it was. I jumped a little even now when the shadowy blob launched at the screen and let loose its battle cry. However, the screen froze. I growled in annoyance. This wasn't the first time a game had frozen on me, and it had always annoyed me. I waited a minute, in hopes that maybe it would unfreeze itself, even though that had never happened before. The glowing red eyes of Giratina creeped me out a bit, just staring at me, unblinking. Just then, the music of the peak started playing again, but the picture was still frozen. The music wasn't the same, though. It was slower, and sounded warped.
A text box showed up under Giratina's face. I can still remember what it said.

"Grudges are forever. You cannot release them no matter how hard you try. Trying to get rid of one only makes it stronger..."

Then Giratina's cry rang out again as the screen went black.

The game unfroze itself and began playing normally again. By this time, I was rather freaked out. That part wasn't in the game, I knew that for a fact. But, I just continued and tried to shake it off. I went to the Reverse World as I needed to in order to save Sinnoh. I walked through a bit when suddenly, a wild encounter scene began.
No other Pokemon but Giratina was meant to be in here, what was going on?
Well, I couldn't do anything but watch. A Pidgey with fully black eyes appeared. It was only level 3, so I decided to just take care of it. I had my Infernape use Flame Wheel as it was my highest PP move. The Pidgey somehow managed to outspeed me, though. It used "Curse", a move I didn't know Pidgey could learn. Well, my Infernape beat it easily after that Curse. I then realized Pidgey wasn't a Ghost-type, but the move reacted as if it was, driving the nail into itself and the opponent. Weird.

Well, I kept going. I had finished the Lake Guardian puzzle and was about to go take on Giratina. I had experienced 4 other wild encounters, all things that I had used as dummies. They all had eerily blackened eyes. Right when I was about to fight with Cyrus for the last time, an encounter began. At this point I was just plain annoyed with these, so I just sighed and watched. The intro wasn't like any other I had ever seen. Black shadowy formations bordered the screen and two red shapes which I assumed were eyes in the middle. Freaky, what was this? A Banette appeared, its mouth unzipped and eyes melting a little, with a nickname that sent chills down my spine.

"WOMBOSTICK ♂ Level 100"

A level 100? That would be a nice addition to my team. I threw a Quick Ball at it. It dodged and the text box said "It's too late."
Now I knew I was screwed. This thing was going to wreck me and there was nothing I could do about it.

My Infernape was waiting for a command. I decided to test and see what moves it knew. Wombostick went for an Embargo. I switched into my Staraptor. That normal typing may help me out a bit. Wombostick used Curse. Well, that helped me a little, now I didn't have as much HP to knock down. At the end of the turn, the damage from the Curse knocked my Staraptor out. The text box read "It's a One-Hit KO!"

Great. Now what was I to do?

I noticed I had a Togepi in what used to be an empty slot at the end of my party. Curious, I sent it out. It was only level 1, so I felt rather bad. Poor thing didn't stand a chance.

When I went to its moves, it only had one. "Apology". I hadn't heard of that move. I selected it. Of course, Wombostick went first. It used "Grudge". Again, I hadn't heard of such a move. (Though it does exist)
It knocked Togepi down to one HP, though the text box said "It's a One-hit KO!"
Togepi used Apology.
Togepi expressed the feelings of its Trainer.
Trainer feels sorry for abandoning the opposing Pokemon.

There was a pause. The game stopped. No music, no animation, not even the sound of a frozen game. I waited, holding my breath without realizing.
After a minute, Wombostick was cloaked in a white light. Its mouth closed and the demeanor of the sprite changed. It was a normal Banette again.

The opposing Pokemon fled!

 Meh, not that great of a PokePasta, I know
But, I don't like horror, so there ya go

More or less based on actual events. I felt bad about deleting poor Wombostick. But none of that un-programmed stuff happened, of course. (Boooo, I ruined the illusion) 


  Probably the only creepypasta you will ever get from me, Pokemon or otherwise. So enjoy. Or don't. I can't tell you what to do.

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