Ross's Goodbye

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So yeah before you get into this fair warning this will contain suicide, and extreme angst, so have fun with that.

Also this was only made for my sick enjoyment, I don't mean in anyway to disrespect Max or Ross possible.

As well the plot is mine, but Ross and Max are their own,  and are only reserved to themselves. 

Well that's it, and uh enjoy? 


(A Mithross Story)

Ross's Goodbye

In the Past.

I would've joked with him.

In the Past.

I would've smile at him with no care.

But I've lost the ability to smile.

He's my best friend I tell myself as I watch him with his lover.

(I'll never be her)

My feelings are torn.

He doesn't love you, I repeat in my head.

A silent scream tears through my mind as I watch him.

He smiles without me.

It's selfish to think that's he's supposed to be only happy with me.

But as I watch him, I smile to myself.

He's happy, with or without me he's happy.

As I look down at my phone I think to myself.

If i wasn't such a coward could we have been what we're not.

I shake my head nonsense he doesn't love me, and he never will.

Tears threatening to spill as that final thought crosses over my mind.

I get up, and walk to my final destination.

I throw my phone onto my bed not even looking at the single note on my desk.

I look out my window.

As I step onto the chair, and tie the noose around my neck.

A grim smile comes over my features.

I whisper my final words as I kick the chair, and take my final breath.

"I love you Max forever, and always."


Well wasn't that heart wrenching?

Anyway I hope all of you enjoyed this.

If any of you want more just comment down below, and i'll think of something. 

Or request your own idea I honestly don't really care either way. 

So yeah.. Bye I guess, and have a fantastic day!

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