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Otogi had won Serenity. She was all his, and he loved it. Though he still felt a void. He felt a void without Tristan there, fighting with him. He felt guilty when he remembered the look on Tristan's face after Serenity rejected him. Part of him just missed Tristan.

They used to talk all the time, and now they never did. It was heartbreaking, and Otogi couldn't figure out why.

Well, he couldn't figure out why at first. After a few weeks of dating Serenity he realized he just didn't like her. The only reason he'd ever wanted to be with her was to get the attention of somebody else.


And now that Serenity wasn't an excuse to talk to Tristan, Otogi had no interest in her.

So he broke it off. She seemed upset at first, but got over it eventually.

Now there was one thing left for Otogi to do. He had to think up a reason to talk to Tristan. That was the main problem. You see, Otogi wasn't the most creative person. Yes, he'd come up with Dungeon Dice Monsters, but that was a one time thing. Now his brain was as simple as black and white. So he'd decided to consult Yugi.

He began the walk to the game shop. He barged right in and yelled "Where's Yugi?"

Instead of Yugi, Yami was present.

"Do you wish to challenge him to a duel?" The guy asked in his dramatic voice.

"No..I just wanted to ask for some advice." Otogi replied. Yami nodded and went into the backroom of the shop to look for Yugi. In a matter of seconds, they both emerged.

"Hey Otogi, what do you need?" Yugi asked cheerily.

"Advice." Otogi stated. Yugi nodded and lead Otogi to the back of the shop where nobody could eavesdrop. They both took a seat in the empty-minus-them break room.

"Alright what do you need help with?" Yugi asked politely.

"I have a crush on Tristan and I need an reason to talk to him. He hates me and I want to fix that." Otogi responded, not wanting to waste any time. He couldn't help but laugh at Yugi's dumbstruck expression.

"Um why don't you just call him and tell him the truth." Yugi responded.

Otogi frowned. "But I don't want to. Besides, if he knows I'm not with Serenity, he might want to date her." He said.

The blonde boy made an odd expression.

"What?" Otogi asked.

"You didn't hear? Tristan already found out..and he's dating Serenity." Yugi replied.

The green-eyed teen's jaw dropped. Jealousy enveloped him.

"Give me Tristan's number." He commanded. Yugi tried to reason, but it didn't work out. Otogi ended up walking out of the game shop with Tristan's number in hand.

Right when he got home, he called his old brunet friend.

"Who is this?" Was Tristan's creative greeting.

"It's me." Otogi responded.

"Who's me?" The brunet countered. Otogi couldn't deny the pang of hurt he felt. Tristan couldn't even recognize his voice anymore.

"It's Otogi." He stated. There was a brief pause on the other line.

"Hey man how's it going?" Tristan asked. Otogi frowned in anger.

"Are you dating Serenity?" He asked, once again skipping right to the point.

"Yeah, why do you care? You dumped her." Tristan retorted, voice becoming harsh.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2016 ⏰

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