Laser Tag - An Aleheather Story

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Heather woke up like she usually did, feeling extra tired today. Staying up late with Alejandro to watch that movie hadn't been the best idea ever. Lazily she got out of bed and stood up to stretch her arms. Yawning, she wonder what to do today. Heather had a day off of work, and could always call a friend. Yet she felt more ready to do something a little more exciting.

Because of Total Drama, she always feel ready to do something competitively, which sucked at times. As she walked down the hallway, into the kitchen, she could see Alejandro sitting in a chair and reading the newspaper. He heard her walk in and looked up, smiling and looking like he had just woken up. Heather knew that she probably didn't look any better anyway.

"Buenos días bella" Alejandro purred, before drinking some coffee. Heather just rolled her eyes, even though she's been with Alejandro so long, she never got over the spanish he liked to confuse her with.

"Good morning to you too" Heather replied before walking over to the cabinets, searching for some cereal. Right as she grabbed the right box, she heard Alejandro ask "Have any plans today?". Heather instantly said "No" but skeptically asked "Why are you asking?" hoping he was doing something exciting.

"Well Cody and Sierra have invited us to play a game called 'Laser Tag' over by the arcade, would you care to come?" Alejandro asked clearly sounding like he didn't want to. Heather wasn't crazy about the idea either, especially since Sierra would be very protective of Cody, but she had nothing to do. Sighing, Heather said "Sure what time?" surprising Alejandro.

Alejandro didn't think Heather would play such a silly game, "It's at 2:30pm... Heather are you sure you want to go?" he asked wondering if she was alright. "Great" Heather muttered, eating her cereal before Alejandro could say anything else.

When 2:30pm rolled around, Heather and Alejandro drove to the Grand Master's Arcade. Checking the place out, Heather was seriously starting to regret wanting to come here. She could tell that Alejandro wasn't crazy about it either.

When they both walked in, Heather spotted Sierra's purple hair just by the counter. Walking up to her, Sierra instantly turned around and squealed "Heather! Alejandro! You guys made it!".

This girl has some serious sensitive hearing.. Heather thought as Sierra gave her a hug. When Sierra had stopped rambling about who-knows-what, Cody said "Alright then! Let's play some laser tag!" grinning.

When Heather and Alejandro had paid, they made their way to a rack full of stupid-looking vest. Great I get to look stupid while doing this too Heather thought as she checked herself in the mirror.

When they all made sure they had their vest on nice and tight, they grabbed a laser gun from a shelf. Finally they could enter the battlefield. First thing Heather noticed was that it was pretty dark in there, which explained why Sierra and Cody were wearing practically all black.

"Okay" Sierra started to explain, "The whole point of this game is to get the most points by using the laser to hit the blinking lights on someone's vest, after an hour of playing, we'll see who got the most points". Alejandro then cut in, "How about the winner gets to make the person of their choice do something for them after this is over?" grinning evilly and eyeing Heather.

Heather rolled her eyes even though she knew it was probably too dark to tell. "Ooo that sounds like fun!" Sierra said staring at Cody with a predatory grin. Now Heather really wished she hadn't said she wanted to come here. There is no way she was going to lose to Alejandro. He would probably make her call him pet names in Spanish or something even more couple-y. Heather shuddered at the thought.

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