The Discovery

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CeCe sighed and grabbed her backpack, dreading the school day. She loved her foster family, but she were so much more different than them. She walked out the house with her favorite foster brother which was the only one in the family who really understood her.

As she and her foster brother walked to their school, Glory Hilton Middle School, they heard two people say,"Hey, hey."

They turned around and it was their best friends Michael and Katie. Michael and Katie were also adopted so they got along very well with George and CeCe.

As they arrived at school Michael noticed that they had three minutes to get to class or they would get detention after school. They all freaked out because their class was on the other side of school building.

"I can not get detention, it's Mr. Hendon's birthday and I have to go to his party," said CeCe, frantically.

So the group rushed to try and make it to their class on time but before they knew it the bell rung. Then they walked into class and the teacher Ms. Brown shouted loudly,"Detention for all of you."

"#%*?" CeCe mumbled. After class was over the group met in the hallway.

"Thanks a lot said CeCe," said Katie and Michael.

"Don't blame us," replied George.

"Arrrgggg," growled CeCe and walked into the janitors closet.

"CeCe, come out. We're sorry," said Katie. Then the rest of the group went into the janitors closet.

After they resolved the issue they had a group hug and then there was suddenly a bright flash and the closet went completely dark. The group then saw pillars of smoke, which were four different colors, red, light blue, green, and white.

Then the smoke started inching towards each person in the group as they looked sheepishly at it.

The red smoke went into Michael's nose, the white smoke went into CeCe's nose, green smoke up George's nose and blue smoke up Katie's nose. Then they all passed out.

When they woke up they realized that they were lying down in the detention room. Standing over them were Ms. Brown, their history teacher and Mr. James, their principal.

Once the group noticed what was going on they scrambled into their seats.

"Do you all know why you're here?" Asked Principal James. "Yes, we know why", Stated George.

"It's because we were late to Ms.Brown's class."

"WRONG"! Shouted principal James. "It's because each one of you are special".

"Oh No, guys this is an intervention", said Katie jokingly. 

"Ha Ha very funny", said Michael in a sarcastic manner.

"Stop bickering you two, so how was it"? Asked Ms. Brown.

The whole group looked up at Ms. Brown. They all remembered what had happened in the closet but were afraid to share.

"The smoke, was it scary? Do you feel any different?"

No one said anything, they all looked at her as if they had know clue what she was talking about. Principal James grew impatient and walked towards the oak wood desk, in the middle of the class.

He placed his hand on the desk and....BOOM! That's when his hand caught on fire. Even though there was actual blazing fire just sitting in his palm it didn't seem like he was in pain.

It was like he was controlling the fire, like he knew what he was doing. Then as quick as the fire appeared, it also disappeared, just as quickly. Then Principal Brown called Michael up to the front of the room.

As Michael made his way up to the front, he was both amazed and frightened of what he just witnessed.

"Now Michael I want you to attempt what I just did",said principal James.

"I..I can't do that", stuttered Michael.

"Just try", replied James.

So, with all the faith he could muster up, Michael put his hand flat down on the teachers desk. He focused on heat, and fire, he took a deep breath in and then... BOOM.

A burst a fire blasted out of Michaels hand. The flames had began spreading in the ceiling.

"MS. BROWN, THE CEILING IS IN FIRE! DO SOMETHING!", yelled principal James.

In some what of a panic, Ms. Brown pointed her hand at the flames and giant burst of water squirted out from her palm. The fire died down and they continued discussing they're new found abilities.

"Wait, what's going on? How did I do that, does it does it have something to do with the colored smoke on the closet?, Michael asked.

"You guys have elements, and so do we", said replied Ms. Brown.

"Wait I don't understand", stated CeCe.

"Come up here CeCe", said Principal James. "Whenever your ready I want you to slap your hands together."

CeCe gave him a nod, took a step back and did as Principal James asked her to do. As soon as her hands slammed together, a burst of air shot out of her finger tips, causing Principal James to fly back into a wall.

"Oh my gosh, how did I just do that."

"Like Ms Brown said we have elements," replied principal James.

Ms. Brown then proceeded to tell Katie and George what their elements were. George could control the earth, things like soil, wood and plants. Principal James brought out a a large box of materials made by nature and George was able to craft a make shift body armor out of the items in the box.

Then it was Katie's turn, she had the same element as Ms. Brown, so Ms. Brown told her to blast water out of her palm just how she had did earlier.

After all the "training", the lecture came.

" Now, I'm sure all of you know you can't tell anyone about your elements.", stated Principal James.

"Wait, why not?", asked Michael.

"Because many people will try and steal your elements from you, and you would put all of your loved one at risk."

Ms. Brown then opened up a drawer in the teachers desk and pulled out 4 necklaces with amulets on the bottom.

There was a necklace with a yellow amulet, but she left that one in there.

"Now you have two choices, you can take this amulet and be able to fully control your elements or you can walk out or the door, let the smoke slowly leave your body and forget that this ever happened".

Each kid decided to take Ms. Brown's first offer and each got one of the colored amulets. Of course they matched the color of the amulet with the color of their Elements and put them on.

"Now that you have chosen to keep your elements their is something you need to know", said Principal James in a stern voice.

"You need to Protect those amulets with your lives, because if you loose them it will most certainly"...

Cost You Your Lives

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I hope you guys have enjoyed the first part of "Elements". If so follow me and check out some of my other stories. And go follow Amariana03- my co author. Leave some suggestions in the comments and have a nice day

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2017 ⏰

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