My Failure Experince

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when i was really stupid but always did a dare when i was brought to one even if it was to eat a catipiller (there GROSS dont ask) but i was in first grade i was dared to do the splits and so i did but......i failed....MY PAINTS RIPPED INTO TWO!!!(LMAO).... i ended walking to the nurse with my paints off and walking in my under wear(very embarissing).

It was 3rd grade i was dared to eat a handheld pencil sharpener blade and i did i was also dared to eat glue and i did i was also sent to the emrgency room because the blade had went through my air tunnle and into one of my orgains.

it was 2 grade and my teacher said she knew all about storm the origanal and the newist one so i showed her this photo and asked her who is this and she responded 

it was 2 grade and my teacher said she knew all about storm the origanal and the newist one so i showed her this photo and asked her who is this and she responded 

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THE IMPOSIABLE WOMAN!!!!!! wtf woman that storm from the comics>w< lmao.

I went to comic con and ran up to the darth vador photo dude and i yelled "LOOK UNCLE JOHN ITS THE DOCTOR" worst idea for everyone looked at me and had the most pissed off look at my uncle and me.

Another comic con story.                                                                                                                                                    I was dressed up as a storm touper and started to singing the doctor who theme song and had my tardis blanket as my cape and a sonic screwdriver as my light saber. and the creators looked at me and laughed(fail but not a fail!)