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"New Hanover High School... are you excited, honey?"

I glanced over at my mother and had to force myself not to roll my eyes. The smile on her face was enough to make me want to gag.

"Sure." I trailed off as my eyes shifted back to the front of the building.

How could I be excited for my first day at yet another high school? I had begged her to home school me instead, but she had only shook her head and said "It's your senior year, Pippa. Live it up!" I didn't want to live it up, though. I wanted to crawl back into my bed and sleep for the rest of eternity. Maybe watch a little Teen Wolf, too.

Instead, I was starting my first day at New Hanover High. Lucky for me – or unlucky for me, if you saw things my way – it was the first day for everyone. People would be reuniting with their friends while I tried to make some.

Who am I kidding, though? I never make friends. I used to try when we first started moving around, but I eventually gave up. My mother and I moved so often that it was easier for me to just focus on my work and coast through the hallways unseen.

"Have a good day and I'll see you after I get off work. Bye!" My mother called a little too cheerily as I climbed from the passenger seat. Her last word was almost cut off when I slammed the door, trying to emphasize to her that I wasn't too pleased.

I heard the car drive off behind me as I once again just stared up at the building. Students were shuffling past me, going to class without a second thought. I, however, was stuck wondering what my next move was. With a sigh, I decided my best bet was to just find the main office.

A big gust of wind picked up as I walked along, causing my long, brown hair to fly into my eyes. I let out a groan, trying to push it back into place. As I did so, my tiny frame collided with another's. I nearly fell to the ground, but a pair of hands grabbed my waist just in time and kept me standing upright.

"Watch it." The voice sounded like liquid gold, but that didn't help.

I felt my lips curl in disgust at the words. Excuse me, but were they blaming me for this after they helped me? I jerked out of their grip and pushed my hair back from my face, staring at whoever had spoken.

My eyes were met with a hazel, almost caramel color pair of eyes that belonged to a male. His thick, dark brows were pulled down in a mix of anger and boredom. His lips were in a tight line while his jaw seemed to be clenched. His hair stood high off his head with the sides shaved down a bit. He wore a black leather jacket over a white t-shirt and black skinny jeans. Despite the pissed off look on his face and the anger building in me at his harsh words, I couldn't help but notice how good he looked. Hell, he was an Adonis!

"I could say the same thing to you... asshole." The last word was muttered, but I had a feeling he had heard, because when I went to push past him, his fingers wrapped around my upper arm.

"Fiesty... I like it." His once angered face softened, if you could call it that, and was replaced with smirk as his tongue peeked out behind his teeth. "What's your name, love?"

I stared at him through narrowed eyes as I looked between his face and the hand gripped on my arm. "Pippa. Now, if you don't mind, get your hand off me before I break it."

The boy let out a bark of laughter before he dropped his hand from my arm. His gaze didn't leave my eyes, though, and I felt trapped by his enticing eyes. "I'll see you around, Pippa."

I watched him walk away for a moment, realizing that I had never gotten his name in my haste to get his hand off of me. Before he got too far out of sight, he glanced over his shoulder and gave another smirk accompanied by a wink. I felt my cheeks go red before I forced myself to look away and head into the school.

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