Chapter 21- Hellbound

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Kaine slips on his suit's pants and shoes, standing up and looking in a mirror. He closes his eyes, thinking back to that conversation he had with Jayla. How he was roped into this. Jayla walks into the room, seeing Kaine, missing chunks of flesh and skin hanging from him, his skin slightly discolored. He looks over his shoulder.

"Yeah. I don't have long."

Jayla sighs. She doesn't even know if she should say anything. Kaine walks across the room, grabbing his shirt, pulling it on over his head.

"It's strange. I'm about to die, and I know I won't return again. But... I don't care. I'm not afraid of it."

"Wait, what?"

"Forget it. You don't know that much about me anyways."

Kaine pulls his gloves on, putting on his wrist gauntlets and mask. He walks out, narrowly avoiding collision with Jayla. Sapphiri walks out of her room, wearing her new suit, a simple orange, form-fitting suit with a fire emblem on the chest and two SHIELD patches, one on each shoulder. She walks to the hangar, where she was told to meet the others. This is it. They're about to fight the Jackal. Sapphiri knows almost nothing about him. All she knows is that he's evil, and evil is the opposite of what she fights for.

Delia finished packing her backpack. The book she is reading is a poem collection. One given to Darla by Kaine, which she found. The book is one of the only things she has from Darla, who is the person she was cloned from. She always thought she would stay a small-time hero, staying in New York City, fighting generic thugs, etcetera. Now, she's on a big-ass aircraft carrier, fighting a man making a bunch of clones. Her life is crazy, and she's forced to embrace it.
Kaine doesn't have enough time left.
There is only one way his story can end.

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