Days Before

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The village was bustling with the fevorent citizens.

As Harry headed down to the gates each villager greeted him with grace.

"Goodmorning madam Bones" Harry called just before opening the gates and leaving.

"Why exaxtly do we need to talk to the head of the goblin nation?" Newt asked as they reappeared outside of the bank

"Because we were called" Harry simply replied as if it was an everyday occurance for a wizard to be called on by the goblin nobility

"Good morning your majesty" the goblin greeted "i have been assigned to see that you make it safely to the meeting, please follow me"

Harry went to follow and Newt after him but Newt was stopped short.

"The goblin nation has not permited your entrance Mr Scamander, while you have always been a fair man and we will continue to value your presence....this meeting is one Mr Potter will attend alone."

"Very well, good day, I will meet you back at the castle Harry" Newt bowed quickly before leaving

The goblin the lead the way to the mine carts.

------------------time skip, ish---------------------

Harry had bever been this low below the well established bank and as the very bottom came it to sight a pit in Harrys stomach was formed as the cart did not appear to be slowing down.

"You may want to brace yourself a moment"

Harry looked in shock but followed the suggestion anyway, which was indeed the proper thing to do as the cart hit the floor it did not smash but instead passed right through it.

"No human has been this low in our bank in more than five hundred years"

"It is quite beutiful" Harry awed.

The room they had just entered was a cylinder with the track winding down the outside until comming to a hult.

"Follow me please"

Harry again began walking behind the goblin. Right up to the exqusite silver doors that radiate magic

"Welcome to the goblin council of nobility"

"Thank you noble guradian of fortune"

"Good luck Mr Potter" the goblin bid farewell as he headed back to the cart and disappeared.

Harry took a deep breath and walked in.

The council room was even more elaborate and posh then the young boy had expected. Grand paintimg depicting goblin victories, large ornate chandeliers hang from the ceiling. Seated in an oval shape sat what harry assumed to be the nobility with their king at the center

"King Potter of Hogwarts, welcome to our humble home" the goblin dressed in Fine jewls spoke proudly with his head held high

"King Warsak (War-sack) it is an honor to meet such a warrior"

"Let us skip the snall talk, I know youre wondering why you are here? Yes?"

"Indeed i am a bit puzzled by tue greeting" Harry confirmed

"Please take a seat" the goblin motioned as harry took the offered place in the center of the circle
"We see everything Mr Potter, Goblins are far more in tune with the universe then even Centaurs. The stars predict many things of you Mr Potter and we are here to offer our help in your journey"

"And what exactly may this help include and what are your stipulations?"

"Allies, we wish to allign ourseoves with the up and comming nation of Hogwarts, this means defending you should the need arise, it includes full access to our wealth, should you be able to use it wisely, i return we as the same things in return"

"And what of you affiliation with the british government?" Harry asked "surly you can not just up and leave with no warning...and with all of their gold.

"But of course we can, it is our gold to do what we wish with. Once our alliance is formed then our ties with the british are over and we are firmly on your side." Warsak spoke ernestly and with purpouse

Harry waited for a moment and ponderd the propisition compleatly missing the golden gliw of his rings "I have been told that the goblins are of the sneaky sort and will cross on you for even the smallest hint of gold...heed my warning now, I am a force to be recon with and if you cross me i will see to it that each of your noble heads are plastered in my walls for all to see. I will not tolerate it."

"And what makes you so sure that you...a meer child could take on the while trained goblin army?" The king laughed a little until he noticed the firey green eyes roar to life

Harry focused as branches and roots began sprouting from the floor, the wind in the room became stifelimg hot, the toarches on the wall grew to encompace the room, and then came the rain. Having shown his worth, it all stopped and everything was back to normal

"Hiw did you do that?" Warsak growled "this room has the oldest and strongest magical wards in the entire world, not even Morgan le fay could break"

"Like I said...force to be reckon with"
Harry bowed and the glowing stopped but five new rings appeared on his hand. The new rings glowed for a moment and then melded with the many others that Harry had collected.

"What was that?" A highpitched voice asked

"Ever since i have recieved my inheritance. Sometimes my rings will take control of me and helo to get what I want, a few times the process has lead to me colecting more rings. Could anyone here tell me what that means?" Harry inquired as nurmuring began to spread

Could we see how many rings you have aquired?" The king asked

Harry nodded and a table was summoned to him.

It took five minutes but when all was done Harry had layed 16 rings upon the tables surface.

"Mr Potter, you have any idea what any of thoes rings means?" The king asked gravely

"I know that my heir rings have given me knowledge of wizarding polotics, as well as important family information." Harry replied "that is about it"

"You are indeed correct. However, the other rings is what I was refering to. they are pertaining to the rest of your titles. Conqurer of many...Master of the beast...ruler of magic...the Dementors voice... elemental apprentice...and...goblins allie" the king spoke softly "each title addition grows your influence as well as magical core."

"Is that bad?" Harry asked

"No,no it is just... different" the goblin reassured as he watched Harry place the rings back on.

"It has been a long day, I do indeed accept your offer of alliance and i look forward to the things we do together. Good day noble creatures, until we meet again"

"For family and Valor" the goblins chanted as Harry exited the room.

Once Harry was gone the catter bagan again.

"Lord Warsak, is he the one, is he the child of the prophecy?" A husky goblin asked from across the room

"It is to soon to tell but i do know that his stars are bright and his fourtune good. He is our future and we must do all in our power to protect him. Good day noble friends" the king spoke, clearly signaling the end of the meeting.

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