All I Want for Christmas is You

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"Breath in and breath out... Ryosuke..."

23 years old Yamada Ryosuke tried to calm the pace of his racing heartbeat as he refreshed himself of the plan everyone helped him to put in place.

It was almost amusing to think that a Johnny Idol like him would have an issue confessing but for those who truly knew him, would have known that he was a closet dork, nothing like the confident idol who everyone sees on stage.

"This is it... The moment I have been waiting for... and nothing can go wrong with everyone's help!"

In midst of his pep talk to himself, the young idol of the popular boy band, Hey! Say! JUMP stepped into a quiet café in Shibuya.

It was late in the night, nearly 12.00am, a time when most would have head home for the last train. But yet he was here, about to make a move which he had been preparing for most of his teenage years. But today, according to his chibi advisers, was the perfect day for the perfect move because it was Christmas Eve, the day which all couples would get together and celebrate this special day.

His disability to confess had been a long-time joke between his fellow bandmates, Chinen Yuri and Nakajima Yuto and coincidentally their high school classmates as well. What made it even more painful was that everyone else, including all their classmates, could easily spot his affection for her, she remained oblivious to every hint he had given her till this day.

But he could not possibly blame her because he knew that she was the kind of person who would never try to read too much into a situation. Unlike most girls, she was more of the kind who viewed herself as a wallflower, despite all her achievements. Even if it was a compliment for her, she would still shy from it because of her humble personality. And it was that personality of hers endeared her to him deeply because despite being widely-claimed as the genius child-actress of their generation, she remained to this day the most down-to-earth person he ever knew.

Yamada Ryosuke could not deny that it was exactly who she was and her larger than life presence in the Entertainment Industry made him grew afraid to approach her. He had wanted to become somebody as good as her before approaching her with the possibility to get to know her. But he had not realised then it would take him that long to prepare.

In a blink of the eyes, it took him a decade to prepare and to be confident enough to make his point across to her. Something which any of their friends have found it to be ridiculous because as a popular idol, it had been part of his job requirement to make anyone swoon over him.

Anyone but her, his first crush at the age of thirteen years old.

Before her, the only females whom he could speak freely with were his mum and sisters. But she had that ability to calm his anxiousness on his first day on the set of the filming of his first special drama, Tantei Gakuen Q SP with an excited smile.

Unlike any other girls, she was not at all concerned that she was the only girl among them, and easily befriended all of them. As such, she became the coolest girl he knew back then.

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