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A Seungchuchu fanfic.
Req: my love pudding♡
P.s; it took a while due to me being chased by deadline. But then again I ignored the deadline. Will do it later tonight instead. Kek.
That's how he had always felt about his company, no matter how nice he is.
It bothered him how much the Thai skater loved to stick by his side. Everytime he walks outside, the boy going by the name of Phichit Chulanont had always come over to greet him, snap a picture ever-so-expertly with his nimble, slender fingers, and almost always catching him off-guard. Whenever he snaps a picture, Seung always puts his hands over his face, trying to avoid being photographed. But somehow, his face is always visible; as if Phichit knew how to time the snap before he covered his face up.
It's amazing and yet creepy to think about it, the Korean skater thought to himself, before shrugging the thought off.


It's written all over Phichit's face whenever he looks at Seung.
"It's amazing to have such a blank expression on your face and yet still deliver your feelings through skating, you know?!" He told Guang Hong and Leo, his two best pals. They both agreed and proceeded to wonder on how Seung manages to do that. "It must be because he's just really good at skating in the first place. It's a pity he doesn't really express himself off the ice..." mumbled Guang Hong as Leo nodded, sighing a bit. "Though the expression does fit him. I mean, imagining a grinning Seung-Gil makes me a bit.. terrified, somehow. He fits that angry expression too well."
Hearing them talk about him, Seung gritted his teeth and skated away as quickly as he could from the trio, wanting to just go back to Korea and cuddle his dog while sitting on the sofa.


That's what wanders inside of Seung's mind.
He wondered what was so interesting about him, that Phichit always came over to talk to him about a topic that is irrelevant and unimportant. He finds himself listening, nonetheless, and he hated that. Phichit had a certain quality to him that makes Seung unable to say 'no' directly to his face, and he felt weak without it; feeling incapable of denying someone. He never knew how to escape him, either. The Thai skater seems to be able to find him and track him down no matter where he is located. As if he had some crazy Intel stuff going on.  Yet he felt as if his days were incomplete and uneventful without Phichit's presence. As if something was missing, and it made him feel incomplete, feel hollow and.. lonely.
Lonely... was it even a word that existed within the depths of Seung Gil Lee's vocabulary? He had never felt lonely. He never wished to feel lonely.

It felt miserable, and horrifying.
It made him desire company.
And the one who gave constant company to him is...


Phichit knew Seung felt lonely deep inside. He wanted to make everyone feel happy, and that's why Seung shouldn't be left out, no matter how much he denied being accompanied, no matter how many times he growled about him being annoying and irritating. He always replied it with a smile and continued to talk to him. He doesn't give up on that. He's determined to make Seung feel happy. He wanted to be Seung's friend. Somehow, picturing a Seung Gil Lee talking and laughing with someone makes him feel warm inside, and he wants Seung to feel that way, too.
To feel loved and cared about, to know he's never alone, to know someone supports him and is always by his side in times of doubt, grief, and joy. Phichit wanted to give it all that he's got to ensure Seung feels happy.
Seung having a friend... he smiled at the thought.
Little did Phichit know, it's not a friend that he will be in Seung Gil Lee's heart.


Seung didn't feel that nervous or irritated anymore whenever Phichit comes over to chat. He's developed a sense of peacefulness in his mind whenever it happens, even. As if he got his feelings under control, and he knows what to expect from Phichit. He knows that no matter how he denies it, he kinda liked his company. He's too persistent about it, too, so no use of ignoring him as soon as he starts talking. He started to just.. live with it. It's become normal to just listen to Phichit talk, being dragged into countless selfies, he even made an Instagram account to stare at Phichit's profile when he's back at home, doing nothing. He practiced skating with Phichit in his mind, wondering how the other managed to cope up with him until that long. Isn't he annoying? His face is always scowling, and yet Phichit continues to smile at him, unfazed.
It's impressive. No one had that much patience. Not even he himself wanted to be friends with him if he was in Phichit's shoes. Who woukd ever think that he and Phichit would be something even more than friends...?

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