Shadows (Harry Styles)

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Warning: This story will contain violence, swearing, and graphic scenes. Intended for a mature audience. Don't read it if you don't think you can handle it.

Every character in this story besides One Direction and 5 Seconds of Summer are completely fictional and owned/made up by me. Please do not post this story anywhere else, that's plagiarism and it's illegal. This storyline was completely made up by me; none of it actually happened. Everything is purely fictional from my imagination.


The flickering yellow light from old, dying street lamps casted dancing shadows across the abandoned street. Not a single sign of human life was visible. The stillness was eerie and silent, such as a horror movie would be right before something jumped out at you.

Hidden completely from view in the space of a tight alleyway stood a boy. A white, tattered t-shirt held onto this muscled body, and a leather jacket hung loosely over his shoulders. Jeans blacker than the night clung to his skinny legs, and brown worn out boots adorned his feet.

He brought the cigarette to his lips, taking a long drag to let the smoke fully circulate around his lungs. The fire ignited inside him. His lungs were broken beyond repair, and he only felt numb. In one slow breath, the exhaled the smoke, letting it curl around in front of him to form unidentifiable shapes against the dark night. He smiled to himself in satisfaction and dropped the now lifeless cigar to the ground, stomping the embers out with the heel of his boot.

Footsteps sounded from a while away, making the boy quickly tilt his head up in surprise. He instinctively shrunk back against the alley, one knee bent with his foot propped up against the brick. The footsteps neared, and he peeked around the corner. His jaw immediately dropped at the sight of the figure before him.

A slim girl of about 5'5 crept silently along on the broken sidewalk. Her black converse sneakers made pattering noises on the concrete. She wore a white lace top with a black long-sleeved cardigan and jean shorts, which proved not to be a very suitable outfit as she shivered in the cold weather of early spring. Her long light brown hair fell pin straight down her back, loose chestnut strands flowing lightly in the wind.

A burst of spontaneity gave the boy the confidence to jump out of his position and attack the girl - not physically, but with words.

"You shouldn't be out this late at night," he informed her, grinning as she cowered back slightly, baby blue eyes darting around cautiously before looking up to meet his green ones.

After a brief pause, she retaliated, "Neither should you."

A low chuckle escaped his lips. "Go home, girl. The streets won't be friendly to you. Take my word for it."

She scoffed, surpsing both of them. "There's no one here but you... and that's where I was headed before you so rudely stopped me."

"Nothing's stopping you now," he pointed out, causing the girl to backtrack.

"I'll just be on my way," she whispered, lips pursed.

"You'll be sorry if you come back," he called after to her lowly. She responded by raising her hand, a gesture meant to let him know he'd been heard.

He let out a sigh, shoving his hands in his jacket pockets as the night gradually grew deeper.

This girl wasn't like the ones he'd known in high school. This girl was unique, there was something about her that gave him a boost of adrenaline. He wanted to know this girl. No, scratch that. He must know this girl. He was intrigued by her. He absolutely needed to know her.

Hope you like it so far, and if you do please vote and fan, it'd really help me out :)

I apologize for any typos, I type this completely on my phone and autocorrect loves to fuck me in the ass 90% of the time.

follow me on twitter too, @amandaimighty and ask for a follow back. The L in almighty is an uppercase I.

Love you guys!

~ Amanda xx

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